Lesson 11English in the Caribbean加勒比海英语When we hear the word English, we naturally think of the language spoken by those living in the United Kingdom ...
Lesson 12, The Louvre: The world's Best Museum?卢浮宫, 全世界最棒的博物馆?Paris, City of Light, and of art. A playland for lovers and a painter's dream. W...
Lesson 14,Alpine Treasures 乐在阿尔卑斯山From the Atlantic Ocean to the Ural Mountains stretches the continent of Europe. The most striking geographic featur...
Lesson 15 Webcams: Electronics tool or the end of privacy? 网络摄影机:电子工具还是隐私终结者? What are webcams? The word webcam is a compound word formed from two abb...
16, When is the best time?Some people go so far as to say that time does not really exist; it is all in the mind, they claim. Others note that accordi...
87. Traveling by Plane Traveling by plane is exciting, but it can also be very tiring. There are so many things to be done. You have to pay the airpor...
85. Beauty is Only Skin-deep It is natural for people to be attracted to beautiful things. It follows, therefore, that most women desire nothing but t...
88.BonVoyage! Joeisstandinginthecheck-inlineattheairport.Hehastwobagstocheckinandonecarry-on. A:Hello,sir.MayIhaveyourpassportandticket,please? J:Here...
86.MeandMyBigMouth Dukeisoutshoppingwithhiswife,Angel. D:HowcomeeverytimeI’moutshoppingwithyou,youbuynothingbutcosmetics? A:Don’tyouwantmetolookpretty...
90.WhatanIdiot! Lucyistalkingtoherboyfriend,Vic,abouttheirfriend,Randy. L:DidyouhearthatRandy’sgotAIDS? V:OhmyGod!Really?Howcome? L:Hebecameinfectedaf...