1.豪油冬菇Oyster Sauce Mushroom 2.什笙上素Bamboo Vegetable 3.红烧豆腐Fried Tofu 4.炒素丁Vegetable Roll 5.罗汉腐皮卷Vegetable Egg Roll 6.素咕噜肉Vegetarian Sweet and Sour 7.蒸山...
1.龙虾干烧伊面Lobster Teriyaki Noodle 2.上汤龙虾捞面Lobster Noodle 3.杨州炒饭Yang Chow Fried Rice 4.虾仁炒饭Shrimp Fried Rice 5.咸鱼鸡粒炒饭Salted Egg Chicken Fried Rice 6.蕃茄牛肉...
1.雪哈红莲Bird Nest Red Bean Soup 2.椰汁炖雪哈Coconut Bird Nest 3.玫瑰红豆沙Red Bean Soup 4.椰汁西米露Coconut Tapioca 5.百年好合Red Bean Fresh Lily Bulb...
1.酸甜咕噜肉Sweet & Sour Pork 2.京都骨Peking Spareribs 3.豉椒排骨Sparerbis w/ Black Bean Sauce 4.凉瓜排骨Bitter Melon Spareribs 5.菜远炒排骨Spareribs w/ Tender Green 6...
1.豆腐虾Tofu & Shrimps 2.白灼虾Boiled Prawns 3.椒盐虾Spicy Slat Prawns 4.豉椒虾Black Bean Sauce Prawns 5.滑蛋虾Prawns with Eggs 6.油泡虾Crystal Prawns 7.时菜虾Vegetabl...
《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica《红楼梦》 A Deam in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone)《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio《论语》 Analects of Confuc...
纳米 nanometer 拿腔拿调 speak affectedly 拿手好戏 masterpiece 拿手项目 specialty 纳税人 tax payer; tax bearer 纳税申报制度 tax declaration system 纳斯达克 National Association o...
马大哈 careless, casual and carefree 马到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success 马尔萨斯人口论 Malthusian Theory of Population; Malthusianism (Thomas R...
来电显示 caller ID 蜡雕 wax carving; wax sculpture 拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth 拉关系 try to curry favor with 垃圾融资 junk financing 垃圾邮件 junk e-mail 垃圾邮件 junk em...
卡丁车 kart 开标 bid opening 开采权 mining right 开除公职 discharge somebody from public employment; take the name off the book; be discharged from office 凯恩斯政策 K...