医保保单的英文:policypolicy是什么意思:n. 方针,政策;办法adj. 方针的;政策的A fabian policy缓兵之计The objectives of monetary policy are the same as those of fiscal policy.货币政策的目的和财...
畅销书的英文:best seller参考例句:a best seller畅销品;畅销书This dictionary is a best seller.这部词典是畅销书.“It is the most unread best seller since Toynbee, “ Kissinger lik...
倡导的英文:advocateinitiateproposebe a proponent of (an idea or school of thought)参考例句:Holt became a sought-after speaker and supporter of school reform.霍尔...
倡导爱国主义的英文:advocate patriotismadvocate是什么意思:v. 拥护;提倡;支持n. 支持者,拥护者;律师devil's advocate唱反调的人|争辩时故意持相反意见的人 advocate/uphold thriftiness提倡节约 The advocate...
倡导者的英文:exponential; urger参考例句:French painter who was a leading exponent and theorist of the cubist movement.布拉克,乔治斯1882-1963法国画家,是立体派的主要倡导者和理论家A leade...
倡议的英文:suggestproposesuggestionproposal参考例句:Promote a constitutional amendment.倡议宪法修正案corporations that cosponsored a marathon.共同倡议举行马拉松比赛的公司“On this s...
倡议书的英文:initial written proposalinitial是什么意思:adj. 最初的;字首的n. 首字母;声母v. 用姓名的首字母签名marginal initial边缘原始细胞[见于植物] The body is initially at rest, and the sprin...
倡议者的英文:1.an initiator; a sponsor参考例句:A closet proponent of a tax increase;a closet alcoholic.增加税收的私下倡议者;私下酗酒者One of the leading proponents of the Chan...
倡优的英文:a prostituteprostitute是什么意思:n. 妓女,男娼;v. 使沦为妓女;滥用adj. 卖淫的,堕落的Do not prostitute your daughter.千万别使你们的女儿卖身。Do not prostitute your ability.不要滥用你自己的才...
唱词的英文:libretto参考例句:The first line serves to introduce the mood, while the second line enunciates the theme.唱词上句起兴,下句点明主题。A chorus line(歌舞喜剧中的)歌舞队唱词.An...