雪中送炭的英文:[Literal Meaning]snow/in/send/charcoalto send charcoal in a snowy day[解释]在别人急需时给予物质上或精神上的帮助。[Explanation]to help in one's hour of need[例子]...
鳕鱼籽拌墨鱼的英文:Cuttlefish with Codfish Roecuttlefish是什么意思:n. 墨鱼,乌贼The ink of cuttlefish beclouded the water.墨鱼汁把水弄黑了。The cuttlefish escaped by beclouding t...
血泊的英文:pool of blood参考例句:The body was lying in a pool of blood.尸体躺在血泊中.The fox lay dying in a pool of gore.狐狸倒在血泊中奄奄一息。“Fatally shot, he lay in a pool ...
血管的英文:veinartery参考例句:varicose veins.静脉曲张的血管intestinal vascular diseases肠道血管疾病peripheral vasodilators周围血管扩张药The study of blood and lymph vessels.血管淋巴管学...
血管紧张度的英文:vascular tonevascular是什么意思:a. 脉管的,有脉管的,血管的The mechanism of this anomalous vascular response is unknown.此种不规则的血管反应的机制尚不清楚。The vascular tissue ...
血迹的英文:blood stainsbloodstain参考例句:He went to the men's room to wash flecks of blood from his shirt.他去男洗手间清洗衬衫上的斑斑血迹。The desk was marked with bloods...
血浆的英文:plasmplasma参考例句:Prothrombin: Carbohydrate-protein compound in plasma essential to coagulation.凝血原:血浆中的一类碳水化合物糖蛋白,是凝血系统中的必要成分。A proteolytic enzym...
血泪的英文:tears of bloodtears是什么意思:n. 眼泪;撕扯;洞或裂缝;疾驰v. 流泪;撕掉;扰乱My old pants have a tear. 我的旧裤子上有一个裂口。 The accident unlocked a flood of tears.这个意外让他的眼泪流了出来。...
血淋的英文:stranguria with bloodstranguria是什么意思:淋证blood是什么意思:n. 血,血统v. 从...抽血blood cholinesterase血液胆碱脂酶 Change venous blood into arterial blood.把静脉血转化为动脉血。...
血流成河的英文:1.blood flowed and has become a river参考例句:The battlefield flowed with rivers of blood.战场上血流成河。And if a civil war broke out, with blood flowing...