1 . The content of banana iron is high, can stimulate the hemochrome in the blood.
香蕉铁质含量高, 能刺激血液内的血色素.
2 . The content of banana iron is high, can stimulate the hemochrome in the blood.
香蕉铁质含量高, 能刺激血液内的血色素.
3 . Anaemia: The content of banana iron is high, can stimulate the hemochrome in the blood.
贫血: 香蕉铁质含量高, 能刺激血液内的血色素.
4 . Anaemia: The content of banana iron is high, can stimulate the hemochrome in the blood.
贫血: 香蕉铁质含量高, 能刺激血液内的血色素.
行业释义网络释义 医学1.血色素:各种动物血内能携带氧的色素,包括血红蛋白、无脊椎动物血红蛋白、血绿蛋白、血青蛋白、和蠕虫血红蛋白
-hemochrome1 . 血色素
hemobarometer 血比重计hemochrome血色素hemochromometer 血红蛋白计
2 . 血色原
(Hemichrome) 还原性血色原(Hemochrome) 4.腌制火腿.香肠等添加硝酸盐或亚硝酸盐发色剂.抗坏血酸发色助剂作用机制: 氧化肌肉的还原物加热还原型Mb——>.
相关词条+hemochrome count1 . 血色素计数
...Its Application in Meat Products 血红素色素制取及在肉品加工中的应用5. hemochrome count 血色素计数6. hemochrome n. =haemochrome