1 . Rigor mortis gave the heartsick survivor convincing evidence for burial.
2 . Not I; unless the breath of heartsick groans, mist - like, infold me from the search of eyes.
我不要躲, 除非我心底里发出来的痛苦呻吟的气息, 会像一重云雾一样把我掩过了追寻者的眼睛.
3 . Only the heel and rabid younger officers wanted to continue, and even they were heartsick .
只有一部分骄横不可一世的少壮军官想要继续打下去, 但是就连这些人也不免气馁了.
同义词 cheerless wretched英英释义网络释义noun1.full of sorrow
2.without or almost without hope;
despondent about his failure
-heartsick1 . 沮丧的
heartsease 内心平静heartsick沮丧的hearttoheart interviewing method 交心深谈法.
2 . 悲痛的
warm-hearted adj. 热心的heartsickadj. 悲痛的homesick n. 思乡病
3 . 心酸酸
【炎黄纵横】乡土诗情 (FMU分享) ... 采茶歌 Picking Tea Leaves 心酸酸 Heartsick 丢丢铜仔 Clinking Coins.
4 . 苦恼的
heartshape 心形, heartsick苦恼的, heartshape 心脏变形
相关词条+im heartsick1 . 我的心疼
heal me , im heartsick ., 愈合我了我的心疼.
+heartsick cry1 . 沮丧的哭声
heartbroken cry 令人心碎的哭声heartsick cry 沮丧的哭声long cry 哭了好一会儿
+heartsickness1 . 闷闷不乐的状态
Chinese - English Free Di... ... 闷闷不乐 = moping 闷闷不乐的状态= heartsickness 闸 = brake.