复数:hearts 复数:hearted 复数:hearted 复数:hearting 复数:hearts
1 . Bob died of a heart attack, brought on by his lifestyle.
2 . Shirley's brother is now a consultant heart surgeon in Sweden.
3 . Her husband had never before had any heart trouble.
4 . Did she usurp his place in his mother's heart ?
5 . He appealed to his countrymen not to lose heart .
常用词典after one's own heart
1 . 合自己心意,称自己的心;与自己有相同爱好
break someone's heart
2 . 使心碎
close (或 dear) to (或 near) one's heart
3 . 感兴趣
from the (bottom of one's) heart
4 . 发自内心的(地);诚心诚意的(地)
give (或 lose) one's heart
5 . 爱上
have a heart
6 . 发慈悲,怜悯
have a heart of gold
7 . 有一颗仁厚的心,有一颗金子般的心
have the heart to do something
8 . 忍心
have (或 put) one's heart in
9 . 全心全意地投入
have one's heart in one's mouth
10 . 提心吊胆,担心
have one's heart in the right place
11 . 为人诚恳;怀善意
heart of stone
12 . 铁石心肠
hearts and flowers
13 . 感伤,多愁善感
hearts and minds
14 . 全心全意
one's heart's desire
15 . 心之所爱
one's heartstrings
16 . 心弦,内心最深处的感情
in one's heart of hearts
17 . 在心灵深处
take something to heart
18 . (对批评等)很在意(或感到不快)
wear one's heart on one's sleeve
19 . 过于暴露感情,想法;过于直率
with all one's heart (或 one's whole heart)
20 . 诚心诚意地
习惯用语at heart
1 . 内心:有某人内心深处;本质上
by heart
2 . 强记;逐字记忆
do (one's) heart good
3 . 提高某人的士气;使某人高兴
from the bottom of (one's) heart 或 from the depths of (one's) heart
4 . 真诚的:带着最深的感激之情的;最真诚的
have (one's) heart in (one's) mouth
5 . 极其害怕或担心
have (one's) heart in the right place
6 . 好心的
heart and soul
7 . 完全的;完整的
in (one's) heart of hearts
8 . 在某人最真实的感情之处
lose (one's) heart to
9 . 爱上(某人)
near (one's) heart 或 close to (one's) heart
10 . 被某人所爱的或对某人重要的
steal (someone's) heart
11 . 赢得某人的喜爱或爱
take to heart
12 . 认真对待…,受…影响或困扰
to (one's) heart's content
13 . 无限地满足某人
wear (one's) heart on (one's) sleeve
14 . 通过某人的行为清楚和公开地表明其感情
with all (one's) heart
15 . 非常愿意或高兴地
with half a heart
16 . 以不热衷的方式
同义词n.1.中心”释义下的同义词 hub core middle center nucleus 2.勇气;热情”释义下的同义词 enthusiasm stamina courage 3.心脏;胸”释义下的同义词 pump body chest 4.情人”释义下的同义词 valentine person beloved 5.感情;性情;精神”释义下的同义词 temperament soul spirit feelings 6.爱情;同情”释义下的同义词 affection love kindness warmth sympathy 7.要点”释义下的同义词 gist substance part main meat 语源Old English heorte, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hartand German Herz, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin cor, cord-and Greek kēr, kardia 图片英英释义行业释义网络释义noun1.the locus of feelings and intuitions;
in your heart you know it is true
2.the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions pump blood through the body;
he stood still, his heart thumping wildly
3.the courage to carry on;
he kept fighting on pure spunk
4.an area that is approximately central within some larger region;
it is in the center of town
5.the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience;
the gist of the prosecutor's argument
6.an inclination or tendency of a certain kind;
he had a change of heart
7.a plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom; conventionally used on playing cards and valentines;
he drew a heart and called it a valentine
8.a firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal);
a five-pound beef heart will serve six
9.a positive feeling of liking;
he had trouble expressing the affection he felt
10. a playing card in the major suit of hearts;
he led the queen of hearts
医学1.心脏,心:心肌构成的器官,维持血液循环。又称cor 〔NA〕。心分四腔,两心房和两心室。左心房自肺接受氧合的血,由左心房进入左心室,泵入主动脉,经动脉分支供应全身,右心房接受被组织消耗了氧的血,进入右心室,然后将血泵入肺,使血再度氧合。心的主要瓣膜有四:左心房与左心室之间的二尖瓣
-heart1 . 心
2 . 心脏
... . . .光等形态分别是寄生型装备型结晶型和自立型红衣主教漫画202出现原有109个在大洪水时代被冲至世界各地心脏heart圣洁中最为特别的是心之圣洁据说只要将其摧毁其他普通圣洁也会随之消逝持有者未知它是所有圣洁的中枢如果毁.
3 . 心形的
wing 翅状的heart心形的bead 珠子,珠状的
4 . 颗心
wherever you go , take you whole heartalong ., 不管你去哪儿 , 请带着你的整颗心.
相关词条+heart )1 . 心脏出现
another warning sign of a medical emergency is difficulty braving ( breathing ) . this could mean a hot ( heart ) condition , or there could be a hole or breakage ( blockage a lung .急症的另一个警报是呼吸困难。这可能意味着心脏出现状况,肺部可能出现肺穿孔或肺阻塞。
+heart to heart1 . 诚恳地
heart murmur 心杂音heart to heart 诚恳地heart trouble 心脏病
+heart -1 . 像心
we think it is the most perfect heart - shaped island in the world .我们认为它将是世界上最完美的像心形状的岛屿.
+heart -1 . 人类心脏
cooking tomatoes - - such as in spaghetti sauce - - makes the fruit heart - healthier and boosts its cancer - fighting ability .在意大利面条的调料汁中烹饪西红柿,食后可使人类心脏更加健康并增强身体的抗癌能力