

分类: 英文单词 




1 . A Swiss company offers to help environmental investors by sending teams round factories to ascertain their greenness .



2 . The sweetness of the air and the greenness of the leaves daunted him.



3 . China's commitment to greenness appears to be ebbing.


4 . Another three - dimensional coordinate scale for. describing color utilizes the attributes of lightness - darkness, yellowness - blueness, and redness - greenness .

另一种描述色泽的三维坐标系统利用了明一暗 、 黄一蓝 、 红一绿三种属性.

5 . Whilst it is yet greenness, and not cut down, it withereth before any other herb.

12尚青的时候, 还没有割下, 比百样的草先枯槁.

同义词 innocence simplicity英英释义网络释义noun

1.lush greenness of flourishing vegetation

2.the state of not being ripe

3.the property of being green; resembling the color of growing grass


1 . 绿度

绿变 greening绿色;绿度 greenness合群性 gregariousness

2 . 绿色性

greennessevaluation of the process for treating high titanium slags by microwave irradiation ., 微波处理高钛渣工艺的绿色性评价.

3 . 绿色程度


4 . 绿色属性

Analysis of influence factors of greennessof bionic terrain machinery based on DEMATEL approach基于DEMATEL方法的地面仿生机械绿色属性影响因素分析

相关词条+green /

1 . 绿色和

for example , speakers of English judge colours that straddle the green / blue boundary as less similar than speakers of Tarahumara , a language spoken in Mexico which does not have separate words for the colours .举例来说,说英语的人判定界于绿色和蓝色的颜色,就与说塔拉乌马拉语的人不太像,因为这

2 . 用绿色

Zina : am not mean / Actually , I am quite clean / Will you be my queen / Answer me in green / on your computer screen .吉娜:“我不卑鄙。其实我很干净。汝愿当吾手中玉?用绿色的纸回答我,在你的电脑屏幕上。”

+green green

1 . 绿绿

i like the green green grass., 我喜欢那绿绿的草.

2 . 嫩绿嫩绿

Spring germination of mimosa , green green , the pole is only 1 - 2 decimetres long ., 春天 , 含羞草发芽了 , 嫩绿嫩绿的 , 杆子只有 1 到 2分米长.

+green (

1 . 变成绿色的

the material which makes plants green ( chlorophyll ) is necessary if they are to use energy from light for healthy growth .如果植物要利用光能以达到正常生长的话,那么,使得植物变成绿色的叶绿素是必不可少的。

2 . 变成绿色

the material which makes plants green ( chlorophyll ) is necessary if they are to use energy from light for healthy growth .如果植物要利用光能以达到正常生长的话,那么,使得植物变成绿色的叶绿素是必不可少的。

