过去式:glowered 过去式:glowered 过去式:glowering 过去式:glowers
1 . The presidency is less a performance: Who saw the gloom and glower behind Eisenhower's incandescent grin?
总统职务与其说是公务员,倒更像是演员: 谁看得到艾森豪威尔炽热笑容背后的阴暗与愤怒?
2 . The man - eater of other an astonishment first, begin to be inspected to explorer glower photograph next!
其它的食人族先是一阵错愕, 然后开始对探险家怒目相视!
3 . It is better for such countries to prosper inside the market system than glower outside it.
同义词vi.1.瞪眼;怒视”释义下的同义词 scowl stare glare frown 语源late 15th cent.: perhaps a Scots variant of synonymous dialect glore, or from obsolete glowto stare, both possibly of Scandinavian origin英英释义网络释义 angry stare
vern1.look at with a fixed gaze;
The girl glared at the man who tried to make a pass at her
2.look angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal disapproval
-glower1 . 炽热体
glow 灼热;辉光;发光glower炽热体GLPC 气液分配色谱
2 . 白炽丝灯
glow discharge 辉光放电glower白炽丝灯glowing avalanche 火山发光云
3 . 白炽灯丝
glow-watch 夜光表glower白炽灯丝glowing furnace 淬火炉
4 . 怒视
怒视(Glower) 沉思(Meditation) 海贼王_乔巴公仔此相片也显示在 2010 My Best (相片集) 2010极境苏美 (相片集) 微距世界 (相片集) 观景窗里的.
相关词条+you glowered1 . 你恼怒地
you glowered and glared ; you asked what the hell is happening , and will you still be on the talk show circuit next month ?你恼怒地瞪着眼睛;你问到底出了什么事,你下个月还会上脱口秀节目吗?
+boy glowered1 . 男孩气呼呼地
The boy glowered at the stranger ., 那男孩气呼呼地看着陌生人.
+Nernst glower1 . 能斯脱灯
另一个零件是斩波器的涡流片,它以能斯脱灯(Nernst glower)作光源,分离出红外光,至IKHz脉冲,脉冲光经线栅格偏振器,隐蔽不必要的平的偏振光,平的偏振光经光电调幅器.
2 . 海王星
拿Nepture海王星Nernst glower能斯脱灯Nernst lamp