过去式:girded 过去式:girded 过去式:girding 过去式:girds
1 . David gird up his loinsand go out to meet the giant goliath.
2 . Gird your loins, sharpen your steel, you will soon be tested.
系好你的盔甲, 磨利你的武器, 很快你的技巧就会得到检验.
3 . The safety and stability of gird is a whole systematic engineering issue.
4 . A standard switchyard connects the coilPCS to the utility gird .
线圈与PCS经 标准开关站与电力网联接.
5 . Can the British gird up their loins and move ahead?
英国人能鼓足勇气继续前进 吗 ?
常用词典gird (up) one's loins
1 . (为即将发生的事)做好准备
gird oneself for
2 . 准备(对付危险或艰难)
习惯用语gird (up) (one's) loins
1 . 养精蓄锐准备行动:集中一个人全部内在力量准备行动
同义词vt.1.以环围绕;圈绕”释义下的同义词 encircle surround 2.做准备”释义下的同义词 set get ready prepare 3.包裹;缠绕”释义下的同义词 belt tie bind wrap 反义词vt.1.束缚;围城”释义下的同义词 untie loosen undo 语源Old English gyrdan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gordenand German gürten, also to girdle and girthMiddle English (in the sense strike, stab): of unknown origin英英释义行业释义网络释义vern1.prepare oneself for a military confrontation;
The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East
2.encircle or bind;
Trees girded the green fields
3.put a girdle on or around;
gird your loins
4.bind with something round or circular
-gird1 . 网格
2 . 束缚
3 . 控制项
[转载]AE的内置滤镜英文意思全解AE的内置滤镜英文意思全解二 ... Particle Radius粒子半径。 Gird控制项,在每个网格的节点处产生新粒子,用于产生一个均匀的粒子面,产生的粒子不存在速度问题,完全由重力、斥力墙和属性映射来控制。默认的设置,由于重力打开,所以都向下运动。 Position用于确定网格中心的位置。.
4 . 围绕横梁
gipsycapstan 系缆绞盘gird围绕横梁girded 抛前后锚时船为一链所阻不能旋转.
相关词条+gird resistance1 . 栅极电阻
gimos 栅注入式金属氧化物半导体gird resistance 栅极电阻glass 玻璃
+gird himself1 . 自己束
truly I say to you , that he will gird himself to serve , and have them recline attable , and will come up and wait on them .我实在告诉你们,主人必叫他们坐席,自己束上带,进前伺候他们。
+gird computing1 . 网格计算系统
gird computing research and future direction ., 网格计算系统研究及发展方向.
+girding defense1 . 围守
360.紧逼中锋(在罚球区内):collapse361.围守:girding defense362.关门:shut the door