

分类: 英文单词 






1 . A froward man soweth strife : and a whisperer separateth chief friends.

乖僻 人播散分争.传舌的离间密友.

2 . A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth.

无赖的恶徒, 行动就用乖僻的口.

3 . Pro 6:12 A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth.

箴6:12无赖的恶徒, 行动就用乖僻的口.

4 . Come, come, you froward and unable worms!

来吧, 来吧, 你这个刚愎的不能前进的人!

5 . Chaste women are often proud and froward, as presuming upon the merit of their chastity.

一个独身的女人常常是骄横的.因为她需要显示, 她的贞节似乎是自愿保持的.

同义词 compliant 语源late Old English frāwardleading away from, away, based on Old Norse frá(see fro, from)网络释义 -froward

1 . 不易控制的

frow 荷兰女人froward不易控制的frowardly 顽固地

2 . 难驾驭的

She is intolerable curst and shrewd andfroward难驾驭的Make a bondmaid女奴隶

3 . 自恃

Chaste women are often proud froward, as presuming upon the merit of their chastity ., 贞节的妇人往往骄傲不逊 , 一若她们自恃贞节.

相关词条+and puts froward to its solutions

1 . 和解决办法

the paper analyzes the principle of electrode regulating and elaborates typical faults in production and puts froward to its solutions .本文对电极调节原理进行研究分析,详细阐述生产使用中存在的典型故障和解决办法。

+froward a management method

1 . 一套管理方法

the paper puts froward a management method mode for quality management the effective working in the inner part of a supervision company .对监理单位的质量管理和内部机制的有效运作提出了一套管理方法(模式)。

+a froward heart

1 . 弯曲的心思

a froward heart shall depart from me : I will not know a wicked person .弯曲的心思,我必远离。一切的恶人(或译恶事),我不认识。

+a froward man soweth strife :

1 . 乖僻人

a froward man soweth strife : and a whisperer separateth chief friends .乖僻人播散分争。传舌的离间密友。

