1 . Anna and Max are a teen fictive pair experience together.
2 . The writer has fictive talent.
同义词 romantic fictitious 语源early 17th cent. (but rare before the 19th cent.): from French fictif, -iveor medieval Latin fictivus, from Latin fingerecontrive, form英英释义网络释义noun1.adopted in order to deceive;
an assumed name
2.capable of imaginative creation;
fictive talent
-fictive1 . 虚构的
fictitious 假想的fictive虚构的fid 木钉
2 . 假想的
fictitious 虚构的fictive假想的fid 桅栓
3 . 想象上的
fictitious adj. 假的、虚构的fictivea. 虚构的,虚伪的,想象上的fictile a. 塑造的,可塑造性的,陶土制的
4 . 虚伪的
fictitious adj. 假的、虚构的fictivea. 虚构的,虚伪的,想象上的fictile a. 塑造的,可塑造性的,陶土制的
相关词条+fictive play1 . 虚构游戏
幻想游戏(fantastic play)又叫虚构游戏(fictive play) 。在幻想游戏中,儿童对行动.
+fictive motion1 . 虚拟运动
an analysis of fictive motion from the perspective of conceptual blending theory ., 虚拟运动的概念整合理论解读.
+fictive kinship1 . 拟亲属关系
fictive什么意思_有道词典 ... fictive genealogy 虚构性谱系 fictive kinship 拟亲属关系Fictive marriage 权宜婚姻.
2 . 虚拟的血缘关系
在这一原生形态中,人们不仅把一些自然环境中与自己关系密切的物种视为“虚拟的血缘关系”(fictive kinship),还将它们神灵化地加以崇拜,它构成了原始部落生态的基本关系和秩序。3.人群的记忆。
+fictive temperature1 . 假想温度
Fictive temperature (假想温度) Super cooled liquid glass glass at temperature T 2 has the same structure as a super cooled liquid at temperature T f.