网络释义 -festally
1 . 如节日地
festal 节日的festally如节日地fester 脓疮
相关词条+festal parade1 . 节日游行
festal parade already lost rich former days religion color nowadays .如今节日游行已失去往日浓厚的宗教色彩。
+festal adornment1 . 节日装饰
if these ornaments are insufficient still , series connection small bulb , candle , dry flower , pompon , doll waits festal adornment a moment , will surely make the winter this year red complete .假如这些点缀还不够,串联小灯泡、蜡烛、干花、彩球、玩偶等等节日装饰,定能让今年的冬天红得彻底。
+from festal1 . 从节日
during the Spring Festival in high-grade flowers new breed is popular , price fall of breed of highroad flowers , the market moves toward daily consumption from festal spending .春节期间中高档花卉新品种畅销,大路花卉品种价格下降,市场从节日消费走向日常消费。
+festal atmosphere1 . 节日气氛
sweet sweet lake goes vacationing village and streamers , send festal atmosphere .香蜜湖度假村里张灯结彩,一派节日气氛。