网络释义 -featurization
1 . 特制片
...featurette 短故事片,短艺术片,教育影片featurization特制片film actor 男电影明星
相关词条+features and texture features1 . 特征和纹理特征
a new segmentation method combined with color features and texture features is presented , in which the recognition problem with little difference between with the target and the background is solved .在此大背景下,研究提出了一种结合多种颜色特征和纹理特征进行分割的方法,有效解决果蔬目标和背景颜色差异较小时的
+feature )1 . 间歇性的
governing speed select input lines for selecting 3 discreet speeds ( for applications which require this feature ) .遣送是间歇性的.
+features :1 . 特点一:
features : transaction remains concentrated in Chaoyang , Haidian , Haidian transactions than last year downturn , " the old city south city " suddenappearance of a new force on the rise .特点一:成交依然集中于朝阳、海淀,但海淀成交较去年有所下滑,“城南旧市”有异军突起之势。
+features :1 . 采用核糖核酸
features : Design of double hooks and needlebar to increase efficient .采用核糖核酸A、溶菌酶等样品和商品化的线性离子阱质谱仪对该电离源进行了表征。