网络夸张地网络释义 -exaggeratively
1 . 夸张地
accordingly , can say none exaggeratively, modern politics economy also is all sorts of ideological mutual competition on border of fluctuant historical fact , go bankrupt , reframe , updated history .因此,可以毫不夸张地说,现代政治经济变动史实际上也是各种意识形态相互竞争、破产、重构、更新的历史。
相关词条+exaggerative thing1 . 夸张的事
like the romantic emotion , like doing the exaggerative thing , it is noticeable to like , are ones that only like oneself to like .喜欢浪漫的感情,喜欢做夸张的事,喜欢引人注目,还有只喜欢自己喜欢的。
+exaggerative expression1 . 夸张的说法
it's an exaggerative expression .是一种夸张的说法。
+so exaggerative1 . 那么夸张
also someone says , fake amount is done not have so exaggerative , cannot say the brand is similar , it is false .也有人说,假货数量没那么夸张,不能说品牌相似,它就是假的。
+exaggerative smile1 . 夸张的笑容
the game is introduced : the classical tone that white fashion will never fall behind , neglect MM exaggerative smile in the game , these white YY of different styles is really very exquisite and beautiful .游戏介绍:白色时装界永不落伍的经典色调,忽略游戏里mm夸张的笑容,这些各种款式的白色YY真的很精