英[ɪn'vaɪrɒnɪks]美[ɪn'vaɪrɒnɪks]n.环境学(人与环境相互关系的研究)网络释义相关词条+environment and social environment
1 . 环境和社会环境
the vessel oil overflow will causes serious harm and influence for marine ecological environment and social environment .分析船舶溢油对海洋生态环境和社会环境造成的危害和影响,论述船舶溢油的防止措施及清除溢油的对策。
+environment and economic environment1 . 环境和经济环境
as to the financial environment , paper discusses the institutional environment and economic environment of thereduction of state-owned stocks .关于财务环境,本文讨论的是减持的制度环境和经济环境,主张从提高公司盈利这一连接经股的纽带入手,实现多赢式减持。
+environment ─1 . 天然环境
an America at the forefront of the global effort to preserve and protect our common environment ─ and promoting global growth .美国站煞界最前线,致力于保留及保护天然环境,并且促进地球成长。
+environment environment1 . 外界自然环境
in this one process , the stand or fall of the discretion of the size of ability of the growth of life organism , breed and quality and environment environment condition is having direct correlativity .在这一过程中,生命有机体的生长、繁育能力的大小和质量的高低与外界自然环境条件的好坏有着直接的相关关系。