1 . Driving Mode: hand wheel, hand equipment, electromotion and pneumatic actuator.
驱动方式有: 手轮, 手动装置, 电动,气动.
2 . The machine adopts closed frame, electromotion handspide for generating pressing force and force motor etc.
该设备采用封闭的立柱结构, 通过力矩电机驱动的螺旋升降机提供所需的压力.
3 . After crank handle, the electromotion should not work because of the switch effect.
取下手摇柄后,由于联锁开关的作用, 电动应不能工作.
4 . Electromotion leaving tremendous pressure mechanism is simple in structure, the failure rate is relatively low.
电动离台压机构最大特点是结构简单, 故障率比较低.
5 . Electromotion la version caused by abnormal mainly due a 24 V switching power supply variation load capacity.
网络释义 -electromotion1 . 电动
electrommunication 电子通讯electromotion电动electromotive 电测的
2 . 通电
electromobile 电瓶车;电动汽车electromotion电动;通电electromotive force series 电动势序
3 . 电动力
...施工建筑专业英语词典E-74-SCIdict学术词... ...电动,电动力 electromotion电动势的 electromotive
4 . 电力起动
电力起动 electromotionelectromotiveelectromotive actionelectromotive dental ...electromotive forceelectromotive force (...electromotive intensityelectromotive power.
相关词条+electromotive series1 . 电位序
electromotive force 电动势electromotive series 电位序electromotive 电动的
2 . 电动序
1. 电子气electromotive series 电动序electron 电子
+electromotive force1 . 静电计
electrometer 电子异构体electromotive force 静电计electron 电动势
+electromotive field1 . 动电场
electromotive difference of potential 电动势electromotive field 动电场electromotive force transducer 电动势变换器
+electromotive unit1 . 电动势单位
electromotive intensity 电动势electromotive unit 电动势单位electromotive 电动的