1 . Doth thy sentence bind thee to wear the token in thy sleep?
来自英汉文学 - 红字
2 . " Why doth the minister sit yonder? "
“ 牧师干嘛坐在那儿? ”
来自英汉文学 - 红字
3 . Doth this bring thee no comfort? "
这一点难道还不能给你带来慰藉 吗 ? ”
来自英汉文学 - 红字
4 . My soul doth magnify the Lord.
5 . Sad, yes, sad thoughts of thee my heart doth swell, And burning recollections throng my brow!
想到你, 往事历历燃胸间, 爱怜又悲伤.
来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
网络释义 -doth1 . 顺境中
dothbest discover vice , adversity dothdiscover virtue ., 顺境中最能发现缺点 , 逆境中则能发现优点.
2 . 顺境
dothbest discover vice , adversity dothdiscover virtue ., 顺境中最能发现缺点 , 逆境中则能发现优点.
3 . 作为薪
Labour is light where love dothpay ., 劳动将会很轻松当爱情作为薪酬时.
4 . 为其
he that dothwhat he will dothnot what he ought ., 为其所欲为者不为其所当为.
相关词条+God doth1 . 神将
for all that do these things are an abomination and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee .凡行这些事的、都为耶和华所憎恶.因那些国民行这可憎恶的事、所以耶和华你的神将他们从你面前赶出。
+father doth1 . 父亲待
as ye know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you , as a father doth his children .你们也晓得我们怎样劝勉你们,安慰你们,嘱咐你们各人,好像父亲待自己的儿女一样。
+doth God1 . 难道神所
doth God take care for oxen ?难道神所挂念的是牛吗?
+adversity doth1 . 不幸却
Prosperity doth best discover vice , but adversity doth discover virtue ., 繁荣却最能暴露恶习 , 但不幸却发现美德.