1 . Yet all this was apart from any extraordinary dilapidation
2 . Ying Pun, a mine northeast original camp, for the 50 - meter square Tucheng now dilapidation to farmland.
营盘东北原有一座水雷营, 为各长50米的方形土城,现已坍毁为农田.
3 . The characteristics of the packed goods are convenient storage, not dilapidation easily lowering the packaging cost.
包装后的物品具备储运方便, 不易破损,降低包装成本作用.
语源late Middle English (also in the sense squandering, waste): from late Latin dilapidatio(n-), from Latin dilapidaredemolish, squander (see dilapidate)英英释义网络释义noun1.a state of deterioration due to old age or long use
2.the process of becoming dilapidated
-dilapidation1 . 破旧
digital vibration meter 数字震动计dilapidation破旧;崩塌dilute 冲淡;稀释
2 . 失修
dike 堤;岩墙;岩脉dilapidation破旧;失修diluvial fan 洪积扇
3 . 损毁
dil. 稀释dilapidation损毁dilatability 膨胀性
4 . 崩塌
3—裂隙切割的边坡岩体在山区比较陡峻的山坡上,巨大的岩体或土体在自重作用下,脱离母岩,突然而猛烈地由高处崩落下来,这种现象称为崩塌(dilapidation), 如图.
相关词条+dilapidated buses1 . 破旧的公共汽车
a throng of mostly small cars hoot and jostle against three wheeled auto-rickshaws , dilapidated buses , fume-belching lorries and the odd bullock cart .道路上混杂着相互鸣笛争道的小型汽车、电动三轮车以及破旧的公共汽车、烟雾沸扬的货车和牛拉单车。
+dilapidated house1 . 旧屋
when time passes , she is getting old and are her husband , children and dilapidated house only . Hwa's salon becomes a shell for her .可惜岁月催人,容貌渐老的她守著丈夫、孩子和旧屋,生活清贫,阿华的理发店成为她心灵寄讬的地方。
+pavement dilapidation1 . 路面破损
the system of pavement dilapidation , the worldwide state-of-the-arts and trends of pavement dilapidation image processing and the classified methods of image processing are introduced by this thesis .本文介绍了路面破损检测系统、路面破损图像处理的国内外研究现状和发展趋势,以及图像检测方法的分类。
+dilapidated building1 . 破烂建筑物
2. 扩张dilapidated building 破烂建筑物joint 伸缩缝