网络释义 -descriptiveness
1 . 描绘性
this paper discusses such semantic features as degree , concreteness and descriptivenessthat influence the AABB form of bi-syllabic adjectives , pointing out relevant causes of the reduplication of bi-syllabic attributive adjectives .本文从状态形容词的程度性、体性和描绘性等
相关词条+description :1 . 提供简介
description : FX statistics , financial institutions , government bond treasury bill auctions , monetary policy announcements , and information about new banknotes and coins .提供简介,牌告存放款利率资讯、外汇收支统计、金融统计、国计收支统计、新闻稿等。
+job description1 . 职位描述
thoroughly read and analyze the official job description ., 仔细研读职位描述.
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2 . 产品介绍
Product Description(产品介绍) Trademark(商标): BHU The material(材质):Chrome St
+descriptive statistics1 . 描述统计学
...描述统计学编辑描述统计学(descriptive statistics)是研究如何取得反映客观现象的数据,并通过图表形式对所搜集的数据进行加工处理和显示,进而通过综合概括与分析得出反映客观现象的规律性数量特征的一门学科,目录1简介