复数:clouds 复数:clouded 复数:clouded 复数:clouding 复数:clouds
派生词:cloudless cloudlessly cloudlet
1 . The powdery dust rose in a cloud around him.
2 . The American edition of "Cloud Street" is already in its third printing.
3 . A sudden break in the cloud allowed rescuers to spot Michael Benson.
4 . I saw Sean's face cloud over at this blatant lie.
5 . When Michael was born I was on cloud nine.
常用词典every cloud has a silver lining
1 . 见 silver
on cloud nine
2 . 欣喜若狂,快乐至极
under a cloud
3 . 遭嫌疑;受怀疑
with one's head in the clouds
4 . (人)与现实隔绝;白日做梦
习惯用语in the clouds
1 . 空想的:想象的;不真实的;爱空想的
同义词n.1.云状尘埃,烟”释义下的同义词 mist fog steam soot billow smog haze nebulosity smoke puff vapor 2.坏运气,丑事”释义下的同义词 ill scandal disgrace omen fortune 3.大群,大队”释义下的同义词 crowd assemblage flock host horde number dense throng legion multitude mass vast swarm 4.掩蔽物,遮暗物”释义下的同义词 veil cloak cover screen shade mantle 5.污点,玷污”释义下的同义词 blur blurred stain smirch maculation smutch smear spot stigma blemish tarnish smudge taint 6.阴郁心情,灰心丧气”释义下的同义词 dejectin oppression despondency depression 反义词vt. & vi.1.变阴暗;变模糊;变忧郁”释义下的同义词 clear 语源Old English clūdmass of rock or earth; probably related to clot. Sense 1 dates from Middle English 图片英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun1.any collection of particles (e.g., smoke or dust) or gases that is visible
2.a visible mass of water or ice particles suspended at a considerable altitude
3.out of touch with reality;
his head was in the clouds
4.a cause of worry or gloom or trouble;
the only cloud on the horizon was the possibility of dissent by the French
5.suspicion affecting your reputation;
after that mistake he was under a cloud
6.a group of many insects;
a swarm of insects obscured the light
vern1.make overcast or cloudy;
Fall weather often overcasts our beaches
2.make less visible or unclear;
The stars are obscured by the clouds
3.billow up in the form of a cloud;
The smoke clouded above the houses
4.make gloomy or depressed;
Their faces were clouded with sadness under suspicion or cast doubt upon;
sully someone's reputation
6.colour with streaks or blotches of different shades
7.make milky or dull;
The chemical clouded the liquid to which it was added
大气科学1.云地[间]放电, cloud-to-ground discharge 云和地面之间发生的闪电放电现象。
2. 云滴采样器, cloud-particle sampler 应用各种捕获原理在云中直接收集云滴的仪器。
3. 云际放电, cloud-to-cloud discharge, intercloud discharge 不同云块之间发生的闪电放电现象。
-cloud1 . 云的
next she and her fellow researchers send a pulse of a " probe " laser into one end of this tenth-of-a-millimeter-long , cigar-shaped cloud.然后,她和研究伙伴把一脉冲“探针”激光波送入这团十分之一毫米长外形如雪茄的原子云的一头。
2 . 云中
and all in moses were baptized , in the cloud, and in the sea ., 都曾在云中和海中受了洗而归于梅瑟.
3 . 片云
your mind like a cloud, across thousands of miles , clouds were hovering shadow silhouette ;, 你的思绪就像一片云 , 穿越千山万水 , 云影人影共徘徊;
4 . 朵云
what does this cloudlook like ., 这朵云看上去像什么.
相关词条+cloud-to-cloud lightning1 . 云间闪电
...带正电的区域就会向带负电的区域放电,结果就产生了云内闪电,in-cloud lightning,或云间闪电,cloud-to-cloud lightning,风暴细胞内八成的放电过程属于这种类型, 云地之间放电闪电的能见度靠赖于能量的传.
+clouds :1 . 云遮蔽
and now men see not the bright light which is in the clouds : but the wind passeth , and cleanseth them .21现在有云遮蔽,人不得见穹苍的光亮。但风吹过,天又发晴。
+clouds heap upon clouds1 . 乌云堆积
clouds heap upon clouds and it darkens . ah , love , why dost thou let me wait outside at the door all alone ?乌云堆积,越来越暗。呵,爱,您为何让我独自等候在门外?
+cloud -1 . 和云
EMC , for its part , has made two dozen cloud - related investments and launched a cloud - infrastructure division .EMC则已经投资二十几个和云有关的项目并成立了一个云基础架构部门.
1.He has been somewhat under a cloud since they found the corpse in his closet.