

分类: 英文单词  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 





过去式:cleared  过去式:cleared  过去式:clearing  过去式:clears  过去式:clearer  过去式:clearest  
派生词:clearable  clearness  

1 . It was clear Cohen didn't understand what Millard was driving at.



2 . The rabbis try to steer clear of political questions.



3 . Dig over any ground that is clear of crops and plants.



4 . Stewart was trying to clear a path for the stretcher.



5 . It seems clear that he has no reasonable alternative.




clear out 【非正式用语】

1 . 离开,走开:离开一个地方,通常快速地

as clear as mud

2 . 见 mud

as clear as a bell(as) clear as day

3 . 一清二楚,明明白白

clear the decks

4 . 为(某活动,某目的)做好准备

clear one's lines

5 . (主英橄)发球门球

clear the name of

6 . 澄清(某人的)名声

clear one's throat

7 . (为清晰发言,引起注意或表示迟疑)清嗓子

clear the way

8 . 为…扫清道路

in clear

9 . 用普通文字,不使用密码

out of a clear sky

10 . 完全出乎意外

clear away

11 . 收拾餐桌

clear off

12 . (非正式)走开

clear out

13 . (非正式)迅速离开

clear something out

14 . 清空(某物)

clear up

15 . (疾病等病情)被治愈

clear something up

16 . 打扫


clear the air

1 . 消除分歧或情绪上的紧张

in the clear

2 . 无负担的或无危险的

同义词adj.1.清澈的;明确的”释义下的同义词 transparent definite open plain obvious evident vt.2.使干净;使明亮”释义下的同义词 purify cleanse clean wash tidy 3.洗刷嫌疑;辩白”释义下的同义词 free acquit 4.清除;收拾”释义下的同义词 of eliminate get rid remove 反义词adj.1.晴朗的;清晰的;明确的”释义下的同义词 doubtful indefinite dull obscure dim cloudy vague dark 语源Middle English: from Old French cler, from Latin clarus英英释义行业释义网络释义noun

1.the state of being free of suspicion;

investigation showed that he was in the clear

2.a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water;

finally broke out of the forest into the open

3.clear to the mind;

a clear and present danger

4.free from confusion or doubt;

a complex problem requiring a clear head

5.affording free passage or view;

a clear view

6.free from cloudiness; allowing light to pass through;

clear water

7.free from contact or proximity or connection;

we were clear of the danger

8.characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially guilt);

a clear conscience

9.(of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims;

efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings

10.(especially of a title) free from any encumberance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law;

I have clear title to this property

11.clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible;

as clear as a whistle

12. accurately stated or described;

a set of well-defined values

13. free from clouds or mist or haze;

on a clear day

14. free of restrictions or qualifications;

a clean bill of health

15. free from flaw or blemish or impurity;

a clear perfect diamond

16. clear of charges or deductions;

a clear profit

17. easily deciphered

18. freed from any question of guilt;

is absolved from all blame

19. characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving;

clear mind

20. of complexion; without such blemishes as e.g. acne;

the clear complexion of a healthy young woman


read the book clear to the end

22.in an easily perceptible manner;

could be seen clearly under the microscope


1.rid of obstructions;

Clear your desk

2.make a way or path by removing objects;

Clear a path through the dense forest

3.become clear;

The sky cleared after the storm

4.grant authorization or clearance for;

Clear the manuscript for publication


clear the leaves from the lawn

6.go unchallenged; be approved;

The bill cleared the House

7.be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts;

The check will clear within 2 business days

8.go away or disappear;

The fog cleared in the afternoon

9.pass by, over, or under without making contact;

the balloon cleared the tree tops

10. make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear;

Could you clarify these remarks?

11. free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment;

Clear the ship and let it dock

12. clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.;

clear the water before it can be drunk

13. yield as a net profit;

This sale netted me $1 million

14. make as a net profit;

The company cleared $1 million

15. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages;

How much do you make a month in your new job?

16. sell;

We cleared a lot of the old model cars

17. pass an inspection or receive authorization;

clear customs

18. pronounce not guilty of criminal charges;

The suspect was cleared of the murder charges

19. settle, as of a debt;

clear a debt

20. make clear, bright, light, or translucent;

The water had to be cleared through filtering

21. rid of instructions or data;

clear a memory buffer

22. remove (people) from a building;

clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat

23. remove the occupants of;

Clear the building

24. free (the throat) by making a rasping sound;

Clear the throat



2. 无人防守的

3. 无障碍的

4. 拉开

5. 拉空

6. 挑高球

7. 高远球

8. 解围球

9. 解除危险






2. clear-water reservoir




1 . 清漆

senseclear清漆"的公司信息较少,为您找到了"清漆"的查询结果所有类目共找到2934条 sen... 公司信息上海龙祥国际贸易有限公司推广主营产品: 导电银胶.

2 . 清楚

...钟爱),fear(害怕),gear(齿轮),hear(听),shear(修剪),learn(学习),clear(清楚),near(近),pear(梨),pearl(珍珠), spear(矛),appear(出现),di.

3 . 清晰

exclaim; proclaim; reclaim; declaim*“-clar-/-clear-”: clear(清楚,清晰)→clarity; clear; declare;declaration

4 . 明确

clear白 , 澄 , 澄清 , 出港 , 楚 , 达 , 隔著 , 豁 , 较 , 炯 , 可见 , 朗 , 离掉 , 了 , 明 , 明白 , 明确 , 明显 , 清 , 清楚 , 晴 , 晴朗 , 确实 , 收拾 , 爽 , 通过 , 显然 , 自由 , 荦.

相关词条+clear and clear

1 . 如此清晰

you should know it clear and clear ., 你知道它如此清晰.

+and clear and clear

1 . 并清晰

Resistant to wear and clear and clear marks should be printed on cable surface ., 电缆表面应印刷标志 , 标志耐擦并清晰可辨.

+clear hat clear

1 . 变透明

pu clear hat clear not yellow ., 耐黄变透明面漆.

+clearing through the clearing

1 . 通过票据

holder of which authorizes holderbank to collect the payment , shall be entered into account bank after clearing through the clearing system .持票人委托开户银行收款的支票,银行应通过票据交换系统收妥后入帐。

