

分类: 英文单词  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 





复数:cards  复数:carded  复数:carded  复数:carding  复数:cards  

1 . They also left a card, imprinted with the name Sean Lynch.



2 . Come on, Bill. Send Tom a card and make his day.



3 . Send your details on a card to the following address.



4 . Make a note of credit card numbers and check expiry dates.



5 . The croupier dealt each player a card, face down.




card in

1 . 签到:如在商业场所用磁卡所进行的登记

card out

2 . 签退:用磁卡登记姓名以示离开,如离开商业活动的场所时

a card up one's sleeve

3 . (英)必要时才公开的计划(或优势);锦囊妙计

get one's cards

4 . (英,非正式)被解雇,被开除

give someone their cards

5 . (英,非正式)解雇,开除

hold all the cards

6 . 处于非常强势(或有利)的位置

on(或北美 in the cards)

7 . (非正式)可能的;也许的

play the — card

8 . (尤指为政治利益而)利用某问题(或观点),打…牌

play one's cards right

9 . 发挥优势;把握良机

put (或 lay) one's cards on the table

10 . 坦陈(某人的办法、意图或态度),摊牌


card up (one's) sleeve

1 . 有锦囊妙计:有所保留的,秘而不宣的谋略或计划

in the cards

2 . 很可能或一定会发生的

put (one's) cards on the table 或 lay (one's) cards on the table

3 . 摊牌:把自己的动机或意图坦白明了地公布出来

语源late Middle English (in sense 3 of the noun): from Old French carte, from Latin carta, charta, from Greek khartēspapyrus leaflate Middle English: from Old French carde, from Provençal carda, from cardartease, comb, based on Latin carereto card 图片英英释义行业释义网络释义noun

1.one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes;

he collected cards and traded them with the other boys

2.a card certifying the identity of the bearer;

he had to show his card to get in

3.a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages (may have printed greetings or pictures);

they sent us a card from Miami

4.thin cardboard, usually rectangular

5.a witty amusing person who makes jokes

6.a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement;

a poster advertised the coming attractions

7.a printed or written greeting that is left to indicate that you have visited

8.(golf) a record of scores (as in golf);

you have to turn in your card to get a handicap

9.a list of dishes available at a restaurant;

the menu was in French

10. (baseball) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat;

the managers presented their cards to the umpire at home plate

11. a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities


1.separate the fibers of;

tease wool

2.ask someone for identification to determine whether he or she is old enough to consume liquor;

I was carded when I tried to buy a beer!




1 . 卡

...星、小天使等,互送圣诞贺卡(card),叫一位同学装扮成圣诞老人(Father Christmas)给同学们赠送圣诞礼物(Christma.

2 . 卡片

... 2音译+类名,芭蕾舞,卡车,吉普车, 3音译+意译,马克思主义,Marxism,卡片,card, 4直接借用书写形式, 1,只借书写形式不借读音,典型的是日借词,如我们经常提到的.

3 . 卡的

police officers had left the vehicle in the car park with the engine running , while they investigated a report that a stolen cardhad been used at the post office , the Mainichi newspaper said on Tuesday .据路透社2月6日报道,由于接到有人曾经在这家邮局?洏帡膘茠?用卡的报案,多名警官立即前往进行调查,

4 . 片

carbon n. 碳cardn. 片;名片;纸牌care n. 照料,保护;小心v. 介意……,在乎;关心.

相关词条+card card

1 . 名片制

card plastic box : card card printing and membership card making good lnsurance is required after the jewel case .名片胶盒:名片制卡和会员卡制作好后需要有专门的包装盒。

2 . 卡卡

Aide of online security of installation card card is automatic repair flaw ;, 安装卡卡上网安全助手自动修复漏洞;

+cards …

1 . 贺卡等

B ; You can buy things at post offices that were never sold there before . you can buy sweets and chocolates , newspapers , birthday and Christmas cards … …过去邮局不出售物品,现在你可以在邮局里买到东西,如糖果,巧克力,报纸,生日圣诞贺卡等…

+card and card it card

1 . 卡和信用卡

sure , please fill out these forms . then I will be able to help you account and for a debit card and card it card .当然可以。请您填写这些表格。我就可以帮您开户。办理提款卡和信用卡。

+cards and card back card

1 . 在露天台阶

Q : how do I apply for regular cards and card back card business ?间隔技术在露天台阶深孔爆破中的应用


相关词语和程序 1. 纸牌[C] 2. 纸牌游戏[P] 3. 卡片;名片;请帖[C] 4. 明信片[C] 5. 硬纸板[U] 6. 【口】引人发笑的人;怪人[C] 7. 办法,手段,妙计[C] 8. (运动会等的)节目单[C 9.在集合“容斥原理”中: 在研究集合时,会遇到有关集合中的元素个数问题,我们把有限集合A的元素个数记为card(A)。例如A={a,b,c},则card(A)=3候选路由发现机制缩写 Candidate Access Router Discovery的缩写,候选路由发现机制。研究院简称 浙江

