1 . Cacique knows after is very angry, go looking for white man doctor.
酋长知道后非常生气, 便去找白人医生.
2 . Not certain still, you again a stone, break the cacique be the first dead.
还不一定, 你再捡起地上一颗大石头, 把带头的酋长砸死.
3 . Cacique looked a little while, take out the small of the stock they were shot.
酋长看了一会儿, 拿出枪把他们枪毙了.
4 . Immediately, the sound of cacique resounds through annulus eaves, bright - coloured red flag with the wind flutter.
顿时, 领袖的声音响彻环宇, 鲜艳的红旗迎风招展.
语源16th cent.: from Spanish or French, from Taino网络释义 -cacique1 . 大地主
2 . 酋长鸟
...Cachoeiro de Itapemirim 卡舒埃鲁-迪伊塔佩米林cacique酋长鸟caciquism 酋长统治
3 . 酋长的
one day , a youth walks along caciquebefore , say to fall in love with his big daughter , be willing to serve as betrothal gift to marry her with 9 oxen .有一天,一个青年走到酋长的面前,说爱上他的大女儿,愿意以九头牛作为聘礼迎娶她。
4 . 地方政治头人
cacique一把, cacique地方政治头人, cacique印第安人酋长
相关词条+cacique looked1 . 酋长看
cacique looked a little while , take out small ofstock they were shot .酋长看了一会儿,拿出枪把他们枪毙了。
+mental cacique1 . 精神领袖
additional , analyse a person to publish a comment mostly , lei Jun regards golden hill as employee " mental cacique " , leave one's post be related will bring golden hill heavy loss necessarily .另,大都分析人都发表评论,雷军作为金山员工的“精神领袖”,离职一事必然将带给金山惨重的损失。
+opinion cacique1 . 意见领袖
in another some of moment , network of the people is become " opinion cacique " affined .在另一些时候,网络民意成为“意见领袖”的同盟。
+revolutionary cacique1 . 革命领袖
derogate in cold blood , evil get character of revolutionary cacique , hero , important history person ;蓄意贬损、恶搞革命领袖、英雄人物、重要历史人物的;