

分类: 英文单词 





过去式:brought  过去式:brought  过去式:bringing  过去式:brings  

1 . They were anxious to bring the washing in before it rained.



2 . Changing stresses bring about more cracking and rock deformation.



3 . They're trying their best to bring together those separated families.



4 . Parents were too frightened to bring their children for vaccination.



5 . Shares and bonds can bring one quite a considerable additional income.




bring around 或 bring round

1 . 说服:使采用某项提议,使采取某种行动

bring down

2 . 使倒下,使崩溃

bring forth

3 . 引起;产生

bring forward

4 . 呈上;提出

bring in

5 . 【法律】宣布(裁决)

bring off

6 . 实现,完成

bring on

7 . 使出现

bring out

8 . 把(初入社交界的少女)引荐给社交界

bring to

9 . 使…恢复知觉

bring up

10 . 照料,教育(小孩);抚养

bring home the bacon

11 . 见 bacon

bring something home to someonebring the house down

12 . 博得全场喝彩

bring something into play

13 . 使运行;使生效;激活

bring something to bear

14 . (为得到某结果而)施加(影响,压力)

bring someone to book1. he was released after pressure had been brought to bear by the aid agencies.几家援助机构施加了压力之后他被释放了。bring something to light1. he was released after pressure had been brought to bear by the aid agencies.几家援助机构施加了压力之后他被释放了。bring someone/thing to mind

15 . 使想起,使记起

bring something to pass

16 . (主诗/文)引起,导致

bring something about

17 . 引起,导致

bring something back

18 . 使返回;使被忆起

bring someone down

19 . (尤指在足球、橄榄球比赛中阻截对手时)使绊倒

bring someone/thing down

20 . 射倒,击倒(动物,人)

bring something forth

21 . (古 或 诗/文)生,使出生

bring something forward

22 . 使(会议或事件)提前

bring something in

23 . 实施(新法律);引进(新产品)

bring someone off

24 . (从遇难船只中)营救,救出

bring something off

25 . 做好,做成

bring someone on

26 . 鼓励,激励

bring something on

27 . 引起,招致,惹

bring someone out

28 . 鼓励

bring something out

29 . 推出(新产品或新书刊)

bring someone round (或 around)

30 . 使苏醒

bring someone to

31 . 使苏醒

bring something to

32 . 使船停止(尤指以转向逆风的方法)

bring someone up

33 . 把孩子抚养成人

bring something up

34 . 吐,呕吐


bring down the house

1 . 博得全场观众的喝彩

bring home

2 . 使…十分清楚

bring to bear

3 . 运用;应用

bring to light

4 . 揭示,揭露

bring to mind

5 . 使…被记住

bring to (one's) knees

6 . 下跪:一种表示恭顺,屈服的降低姿势

bring to terms

7 . 强迫(他人)同意

bring up the rear

8 . 殿后,断后:队列或序列的最后一个

同义词v.1.吸引”释义下的同义词 draw pull court prompt attract lure ask invoke invite encourage allure for 2.携,带”释义下的同义词 lead fetch convey deliver conduct get carry send escort gather guide transport bear transmit take retrieve usher 反义词vt.1.带来,拿来”释义下的同义词 take 语源Old English bringan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch brengenand German bringen英英释义网络释义vern

1.take something or somebody with oneself somewhere;

Bring me the box from the other room

2.cause to come into a particular state or condition;

Long hard years of on the job training had brought them to their competence

3.cause to happen or to occur as a consequence;

I cannot work a miracle

4.go or come after and bring or take back;

Get me those books over there, please

5.bring into a different state;

this may land you in jail

6.be accompanied by;

Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?

7.bestow a quality on;

Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company

8.avance or set forth in court;

bring charges, institute proceedings

9.be sold for a certain price;

The painting brought $10,000

10. attract the attention of;

The noise and the screaming brought the curious

11. induce or persuade;

The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well


1 . 带

...①“七给”(give, pass, lend, write, show, send, hand)和“带”(bring)8个及物动词,在直接宾语前置时,必须在后面加上“to”。即“vt. + sth. + to + sb.

2 . 带来


3 . 带给

your hobby will bringyou enjoyment and success ., 你的爱好会带给你快乐和成功.

4 . 带上


相关词条+bring forth

1 . 产生

bring about 带来,造成bring forth 产生,提出bring down 打倒,降低

+bring bringing into service

1 . 投入运行

bring an action 起诉bring bringing into service 投入运行bring briquette 砖形块煤砖

+bring about

1 . 发生

1. 反对bring about 发生,引起- 基于52个网页

+bring forward

1 . 前移一层

(2) Bring Forward(前移一层):将当前图层从现在的位置上移一层。

