

分类: 英文单词  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 



网络释义相关词条+boorish behavior

1 . 粗鄙行为

the review by Duke's executive vice president was spurred by reports of boorish behavior lacrosse team , Alleva said .杜克大学执行副校长的检查对球队的“粗鄙行为”记录大加鞭策,艾利瓦说。

2 . 粗鲁行为

angered at the boorish behavior of a passenger , he picked the intercom , loudly submitted his resignation , pulled the ripcord , grabbed two beers and slid down the escape chute .他因为对一位乘客的粗鲁行为感到愤怒,拿起对讲机,大声宣布辞职,然后打开紧急安全门,抓着两瓶啤酒,从滑道滑下。

+boorish boys

1 . 粗俗的男人

in the end , there might be some signs that boorish boys know they're overreaching-and that may be expressed in the level of their braggadocio .最后,也许有一些粗俗的男人发现自己过了头的迹象——这表现在他们吹牛的程度中。

+boorish youths

1 . 粗鲁的年轻人

boorish youths , behaviour , remarks ., 粗鲁的年轻人, 举止 , 言语.

+boorish parents

1 . 粗鄙的父母

mention ill-mannered children and most people roll their eyes at the memory of ahellion and his boorish parents .一提到无礼的孩子,大多数人都会对记忆中惹是生非的小孩以及其粗鄙的父母皱起眉头。

