1 . Though his background was modest, it was in no sense deprived.
2 . Like a chameleon, he could merge unobtrusively into the background .
3 . In the background, in soft focus, we see his smiling wife.
4 . I kept hearing the sound of applause in the background .
5 . The book is full of amusing sidelights on his family background .
同义词n.1.背景;经历”释义下的同义词 knowledge training experience practice 反义词n.1.背景;幕后”释义下的同义词 foreground 英英释义行业释义网络释义noun1.a person's social heritage: previous experience or training;
he is a lawyer with a sports background
2.the part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground;
he posed her against a background of rolling hills
3.information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem;
the embassy filled him in on the background of the incident
4.extraneous signals that can be confused with the phenomenon to be observed or measured;
they got a bad connection and could hardly hear one another over the background signals
5.relatively unimportant or inconspicuous accompanying situation;
when the rain came he could hear the sound of thunder in the background
6.the state of the environment in which a situation exists;
you can't do that in a university setting
7.(computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear
8.scenery hung at back of stage
vern1.understate the importance or quality of;
he played down his royal ancestry
-background1 . 背景
...real-world environment,的连贯图像,场景包括背景,background,和物体,objects,两个重要的组成部分,场景中的背景是指宽广的,静止的表面和结构,比如,地板.
2 . 背景下
Under this background, the subject put forward the concept of " the ecological buffer space " ., 正是在这一背景下 , 本课题研究提出了 " 生态缓冲空间 " 的概念.
3 . 背景的
whether you normally use a WYSIWYG editor and stay clear of that source stuff in the backgroundor even if you have never created a Web page at all , this tutorial will set you off in the right direction .不论你平常使用的是所见即所得(YSIWYG)编码器而不清楚在背景的程式码之类的东西,或甚至于你从未做
4 . 本底
温室气体资料筛选本底特征源汇分析 Hysplit-数值模拟... 根据所代表的时空尺度范围,可划分为“全球本底(Baseline)”和“区域本底(Background)”;大气本底观测即.
相关词条+background -1 . 胶辊是
background - Multidetector computed tomography ( MDCT ) has high diagnostic value for detecting or excluding coronary artery stenosis .胶辊是纺纱机械牵伸机构中极为敏感的部件.
+background :1 . 背景∶
background : surgical resection is the standard of care for patients with resectable non-small cell lung carcinoma ( NSCLC ) or limited pulmonary metastases .背景∶对于合并可切除的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)或局部肺转移的患者,手术切除术是标准的治疗方法。
2 . 背景―
background : -Diseases with elevated levels of parathyroid hormone ( PTH ) as primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism are associated with increased incidence of cardiovascular disease and death .背景――导致甲状旁腺激素水平增高的疾病,如原发性或继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进可增加心血管疾病的发生和死亡。
+background /1 . 背景与
a background / text color combination actually READABLE . that makes sense , right ?网页背景与文本的颜色搭配,要令文本容易阅读,这样才有价值,对不对?
+background –1 . 背景–
background – Electric isolation of the veins ( PVs ) can successfully treat patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation .背景–肺静脉(PVs)的电隔离能够成功治疗阵发性房颤。
百科电脑服务 保留网络带宽,主要是自动更新吧,占用网资源 background 背景 (background) 属性定义元素的背景效果 元素的背景区包括前景之下直到边框边界的所有空间。因此,内容框与内边距都是元素背景的一部分,且边框画在背景上。 CSS 允许应用纯色作为背景,也允许使用背景图像创建相当复杂的效果;CSS 在这方面的能力远远在 HTML 之上。 background 是用于在一个声明中设置所有背景属性的一个简写属性。 格式: background: {属