

分类: 英文单词  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 





复数:backs  复数:backed  复数:backed  复数:backing  复数:backs  

1 . If you love life, life will love you back .


来自金山词霸 每日一句

2 . We'll go to a meeting in Birmingham and come straight back .



3 . The rescuers were beaten back by strong winds and currents.



4 . I'll report back the moment I have located him.



5 . He ordered them to stack up pillows behind his back .




at someone's back

1 . 追求;支持(某人)

back and forth

2 . 来回地

back in the day

3 . 在过去,在以前

someone's back is turned

4 . 某人的注意力在别处

the back of beyond

5 . 偏僻处

back o'Bourke

6 . (澳,非正式)内地

the back of one's mind

7 . 下意识里

back to front

8 . (英)前后颠倒

back water

9 . 倒桨

back the wrong horse

10 . 下错了赌注;做错了选择

behind someone's back

11 . 在某人背后,背着某人

get (或 put) someone's back up

12 . 惹恼(或惹怒)某人

in back

13 . (北美)在后面(尤指建筑)

know something like the back of one's hand

14 . (对地方或路线)了如指掌

on one's back

15 . 卧床疗养

put one's back into

16 . 竭尽全力于

turn one's back on

17 . 对…掉头不管;轻视

with one's back to (或 up against) the wall

18 . 走投无路;处于绝境

back something up

19 . (计算机)备份

back away

20 . 撤退:从某个位置撤离;撤退

back down

21 . 让步,放弃:从某个位置、观点或义务中撤出

back off

22 . 撤回或离开

back out

23 . 中途退出:在完成之前从(某项计划或事业)中退出

back up

24 . 使聚集:引起堆积或经过积累


back and fill

1 . 【航海】调整航向:在狭窄的水道中操纵船,通过调整风帆以便使风帆间进出的风向有所改变

同义词v.1.支持;鼓励;赞助”释义下的同义词 behind encourage sponsor bat go to boost support succour abet for stand favour promote help patronize countenance subsidize main 2.支撑,支持,证实”释义下的同义词 sustain certify bolster validate attest corroborate uphold substantiate second confirm 3.返回,翻转,倒退”释义下的同义词 recede down rebound recoil ebb return tail retrogress go retrocede back turn backwards reverse regress retreat backtrack revert 反义词adv.1.向后;后退地”释义下的同义词 fore front forth 语源Old English bæc, of Germanic origin; related to Middle Dutch and Old Norse bak. The adverb use dates from late Middle English and is a shortening of aback英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun

1.the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine;

his back was nicely tanned

2.the side that goes last or is not normally seen;

he wrote the date on the back of the photograph

3.the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer;

he stood at the back of the stage

4.(football) a person who plays in the backfield

5.the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord;

the fall broke his back

6.the front and back covering of a book;

the book had a leather binding

7.the part of a garment that covers your back;

they pinned a `kick me' sign on his back

8.a support that you can lean against while sitting;

the back of the dental chair was adjustable

9.the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage

10.related to or located at the back;

the back yard

11.located at or near the back of an animal;

back (or hind) legs

12.of an earlier date;

back issues of the magazine

13.in or to or toward a former location;

she went back to her parents' house

14.at or to or toward the back or rear;

he moved back

15.in or to or toward an original condition;

he went back to sleep

16.in or to or toward a past time;

set the clocks back an hour

17.in answer;

he wrote back three days later

18.in repayment or retaliation;

we paid back everything we had borrowed


1.be behind; approve of;

He plumped for the Labor Party

2.travel backward;

back into the driveway

3.give support or one's approval to;

I'll second that motion

4.cause to travel backward;

back the car into the parking spot

5.support financial backing for;

back this enterprise

6.be in back of;

My garage backs their yard

7.place a bet on;

Which horse are you backing?

8.shift to a counterclockwise direction;

the wind backed

9.establish as valid or genuine;

Can you back up your claims?

10. strengthen by providing with a back or backing






1.回填: back-filling


1.背靠背换流站: back-to-back converter substation

2. 背靠背启动: back-to-back starting 又称“同步对拖启动”。

3. 背压式汽轮机: back-pressure turbine

4. 逆火: back-fire

5. 背压调节器: back-pressure regulator



2. 躯体后面,颈以下、腰以上的部位。


1.背, 又称 :背(Dorsum(拉)), 又称:背(Dorsum(拉))


1 . 回

bachelor 单身汉back回(原处);向后后面的背后,后部;背▲background 背景

2 . 背

11、胸(breast): 舒松微含。12、背(back): 舒展拔背。13、腰(waist): 松活下沉。

3 . 回来

记着回来我们一起打牌歌词中肯无一点肉麻行,就这样着吧最新听众附加资讯歌曲ID:7161179 歌曲名:回来(back) 宣传地址: 歌曲二维码打开5SING手机客户端扫描.

4 . 返回


相关词条+back to back houses

1 . 背对背房屋

back surge 逆哩back to back houses 背对背房屋back up block 支撑块

+back to back

1 . 背对背拥抱

..._100天【背对背拥抱】MV完整版没那麽简单 Piano solo 林俊杰JJ lin 背对背拥抱piano JJ Party 4 , 背对背拥抱(back to back) on piano JJ林俊杰加油@Apple 3 巨星总决赛20091225 <自弹自唱>林俊杰-背对背拥抱(黄守薾音乐教室招生中)

2 . 背对背

back the wrong horse 下错赌注back to back 背对背back to square one 问题回到原态

+back to back diodes

1 . 背对背二极管

back surface field 背面电场back to back diodes 背对背二极管back wave 返波

+back to back method

1 . 反馈法

back span 反向间隔back to back method 反馈法back up protection 后备保护

1.Hey. back off a little. I don't get you.


2.The bouncer of hotel backed a drunkard off.


3.He said he wouldn' t take a back seat to anybody, but the President himself.


