
学科术语 O

分类: 英语词汇 
1401. 中国古典小说名著选讲 Selected Readings of Famous Classical Chinese Novels
1402. 中国古典小说选讲 Selected Readings of Classical Chinese Novels
1403. 中国画技巧 Technique of Chinese Painting
1404. 中国近现代经济史 History of Recent & Modern Chinese Economy
1405. 中国近代史 Modern History of China
1406. 中国经济地理 Chinese Economic Geography
1407. 中国经济与社会发展战略 Chinese Economy & Social Development Strategy
1408. 中国历代诗歌选 Selections of Chinese Poetry
1409. 中国美术欣赏 Appreciation of Chicese Art
1410. 中国美学史 History of Chinese Aesthetics
1411. 中国社会学史 History of Chinese Sociology
1412. 中国社会主义建设 Chinese Socialist Construction
1413. 中国诗话词话研究 Research on Chinese Poetry & Prose
1414. 中国文学 Chinese Literature
1415. 中国文学史 History of Chinese Literature
1416. 中国现代史 Contemporary History of China
1417. 中国现代文学史 Contemporary Literature History of China
1418. 中国现代小说流派 Schools of Chinese Contemporary Novel
1419. 中国语文 Chinese Language
1420. 中级无机化学 Medium Inorganic Chemistry
1421. 中级无机化学实验 Experiment on Medium Inorganic Chemistry
1422. 中社建文献选读 Selected Readings of Chinese Socialist Construction Documents
1423. 中英文打字与编排 Typing & Editing in English & Chinese
1424. 轴流式压缩机 Axial Flow Compressor
1425. 铸钢及有色金属 Steel-Casting & Colored Metal
1426. 铸件成形理论 Theory of Casting Forming
1427. 铸件形成理论基础 Basis of Cast Forming Theory
1428. 铸铁熔炼 Castiron Melting
1429. 铸铁孕育 Preparation of Castiron
1430. 铸压加热设备 Heating Equipment for Die Casting
1431. 铸造测试技术 Measuring Technique for Casting
1432. 铸造车间环境保护 Environmental Protection for Casting Shop
1433. 铸造车间设计原理 Principle of Casting Shop Design
1434. 铸造工艺及设计 Foundry Technology
1435. 铸造合金 Casting Alloy
1436. 铸造合金及熔炼 Cast Alloy & Melting
1437. 铸造合金原理及熔炼 Principles of Cast Alloy & Melting
1438. 铸造化学 Casting Chemistry
1439. 铸造机构 Casting Mechanism
1440. 铸造机械设备 Casting Equipment of Machine
1441. 铸造设备 Casting Equipment
1442. 铸造新工艺 New Casting Technique
1443. 注塑工艺 Shooting Technique
1444. 专家系统 Expert System
1445. 专利与商标 Patent & Trademark
1446. 专题研究 Research on Current Issues
1447. 专业概论 Introduction to Majors
1448. 专业设讨 Specialty Design & Discussion
1449. 专业实验 Specialty Experiment
1450. 专业物理实验 Physics Specialty Experiment
1451. 专业英语 Specialty English
1452. 专业英语阅读 Specialty English Reading
1453. 资本论选读 Selected Readings of On Capital
1454. 自动测试系统 Auto-Test System
1455. 自动调节原理及水轮机调节 Principle of Automatic Control & Hydrogenerator Re
1456. 自动化系统故障诊断 Diagnosis of Automation System Error
1457. 自动检测技术 Automatic Measurement Technique
1458. 自动控制理论 Theory of Automatic Control
1459. 自动控制系统 Automatic Control System
1460. 自动控制原理 Principle of Automatic Control
1461. 自动显示仪表 Meter of Automatic Display
1462. 自控实验 Experiment on Auto-Control
1463. 自然科学概论 Introduction to Natural Science
1464. 自适应控制 Self Adaptive Control
1465. 综合英语练习 Comprehensive Practice in English
1466. 阻容元件 Resistor-Capacitor Unit
1467. 组织行为学 Organization Behavior
1468. 最优化 Optimum Theory
1469. 最优化方法 Optimal Method
1470. 最优化基础 Basis of Optimum
1471. 最优化理论与方法选讲 Selections of Optimal Theories & Methods
1472. 最优控制 Optimal Control
1473. 最优控制在经管中的应用 Application of Optimal Control in Economic Managem
1474. 作品选读 Selected Readings
1475. 作文 Composition
1476. 金工实习 Metalworking Practice
1477. 水泵设计原理 Principle of Pump Designing
1478. CET-4 College English Test(Band 4)
1479. CET-6 College English Test(Band 6)
1480. 生产实习 Production Practice
1481. 课程设计 Course Exercise
1482. 有限元法 FInite Element
1483. 代用燃料 Substitute Fuel
1484. 英汉口译 English-Chinese Oral Interpretation
1485. 思想道德修养 Cultivation of Ethic Thought
1486. 计算机文字处理 Computer Language Processing
1487. 英语影视 English Movies & TV
1488. 程序设计 Program Designing
1489. 计算机分析 Computer Analysis
1490. 汇编语言程序设计 Assembly Language Programming
1491. 模拟电路 Analog Circuitry
1492. 数字逻辑课程设计 Course Design of Digital Logic
1493. 数据库dBASE Ⅲ d BASE III
1494. 活塞式压缩机原理 Principles of Piston Compressor
1495. 活塞压缩机结构 Structure of Piston Compressor
1496. 活塞压缩机强度 Intensity of Piston Compressor
1497. 三元流动理论 Theory of Three-dimensional Flowing
1498. 自动控制元件 Automatic Control Component
1499. 检测与显示技术 Detection & Display Technique
1500. 变流技术 Semiconductor Converting Technology

