

分类: 英语词汇 

爱思英语编者按:吸烟有害健康(Smoking is hazardous to health。)。Will you give up smoking? 让我们来学点和抽烟有关的英语吧。



Have a smoke? 抽烟吗?

Help yourself to a cigarette. 请抽烟。

Would you like a cigarette? 想抽支烟吗?

Won't you have a smoke? 不想抽支烟吗?

Please have a smoke. It's a new brand. 请抽烟,这是新牌子的。

No, thanks. I've just put one out. 不,谢谢。我刚熄灭一支。

No, thanks. Cigars are too strong for me. 不,谢谢。我觉得雪茄劲儿太大了。

No, thanks. I honestly don't feel like one at the moment. 不,谢谢。我现在实在不想抽。

No, thanks. I never somke before meals. 不,谢谢。饭前我从不吸烟。

No, thanks. I'm trying to smoke less. 不,谢谢。我正在设法减少吸烟。

No, thanks. I've decided to give up smoking. 不,谢谢。我已决定戒烟了。

No, thanks. Not while I'm working. 不,谢谢,工作的时候我不抽。

Ok, I'll have one. 好,我抽一支。

Can you give me a light? 借个火可以吗?

Could I trouble you for a lighter? 麻烦你借个火可以吗?

Are you smoking a lot? 你抽烟凶吗?

I'm a chain smoker. 我是个老烟鬼。

You smoke just like a chimney. 你的烟瘾真大。

I'm used to smoking with a cigarette holder. 我习惯用烟嘴抽烟。

I only smoke filter tips。我只抽有过滤嘴的香烟。


A: Have a cigarette, please. 请抽烟。

B: No, thanks. I don't like anything without a filter. 不,谢谢。我不抽没有过滤嘴的。

A: Can you oblige me with a match? 借个火可以吗?

B: Here you are. 给你。

A: Thanks. You might find them pretty strong. 谢谢,你可能会觉得这些烟劲儿很大。

B: I don't like strong one. Do you smoke much? 我不喜欢劲儿大的。你抽烟凶吗?

A: Ten a day. 一天十支。更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

明年起,禁烟令将走入室内公共场所、工作场所。然而,这个目标能否如期实现,仍留悬念。这是因为香烟的存在一方面能带来高额利润和税收,另一方面还有一定的社交功能。一根香烟能拉近交往双方的距离,一句"Have you got a light?"能使交谈自然开始。

