Personalized pricing refers to offering different retail prices to different customers for the same product.
As more supermarkets experiment with "personalized pricing," the more likely it becomes that you and the shopper standing next to you will pay two different amounts for the same quart of milk. Same store, same milk, different prices.
Other, more sophisticated personal pricing programs can keep track of where you are in the store, using your smart phone's GPS feature. If you're in the oral hygene aisle, for example, the system knows that, and may give you cents off on mouthwash.
Personalized pricing refers to the ongoing effort by brick-and-mortar retailers, supermarkets especially, to imitate what online retailers such as Amazon.com have done for years: Use customers' shopping history to make intelligent guesses about what they will want to buy next, when they'll want it, and how much they'll be willing to pay.