
Trash talk 说别人坏话

分类: 英语口语 


LL: So, Li Hua, yesterday at the office I heard two of my co-workers trash talking my boss.

LH: 什么是trash talking? 难道他们在谈垃圾,垃圾有什么好谈的?

LL: No, it's not. Trash talking is saying really mean things about someone.

LH: 噢,trash talking就是说别人的坏话。那你的这两位同事为什么要说老板的坏话呢? Trash talk 说别人坏话

LL: I think they were upset because he didn't like a proposal they submitted. They were saying my boss wasn't very smart and didn't make good decisions for the company.

LH: 就因为老板没有接受他们的建议,他们就说他笨,作出的决策对公司不利?他们也太自负了吧! Larry,那你是怎么看的呢?

LL: I am sure he had his reasons for rejecting their proposal. I have a lot of respect for my boss, and that is why their trash talking him bothers me so much.

LH: 老板拒绝他们的建议总有他的道理。我知道你很尊重你们的老板,所以听见别人在背后说他坏话就感到很讨厌。我那天也听到两个研究生在说一个教授的坏话。我也觉得很讨厌。更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

LL: Did you do anything about their trash talk?

LH: 我当时就为这位教授辩护。 他们不一定会改变看法,但是我不能听任他们诬蔑这位教授。

LL: Good for you, Li Hua!

LH: 后来别人告诉我那两个人又在背后说我的坏话 - They trash talked me 。

LL: I guess you made them mad by bringing attention to their trash talking. I just don't have the courage to deal with my two co-workers who talked trash about my boss.

LH: 你没有勇气来对付他们?这有什么呢?你就对他们说, 你们这样说老板的坏话是不对的。

LL: I don't think it is that easy, Li Hua. After all, I still have to work with these trash talkers.


