分类: 英语口语
1. She showed manifest lack of interest. 她明显不感兴趣。
2. That’s just a side issue. 那不是主要问题。
3. Was that a tacit approval? 默认了?
4. Don’t let the genie out of the bottle. 会一发而不可收。
5. Not a moment too soon. 差一点来不及。
6. You can’t have your cake and eat it. 鱼与熊掌,不可兼得。
7. This issue is too hot to handle. 这件事很棘手。
8. Stop bickering! 为一点小事吵什么?
9. That’s just a cloak for / cover story. 那只是他的幌子。
10. So help me, I will never let you off. 我保证不会放过你。