分类: 英语口语
1. He was sent up for three years. 他蹲了三年监狱。
2. If she finds out, the balloon will go up. 要是她发现可就糟了。
3. She has no qualms about lying. 她撒起谎来脸都不带红的。
4. Answer me unambiguously. 请正面回答。
5. Actually I’m a man of the old school. 其实我很传统。
6. Some work experience will stand you in good stead. 积累点工作经验对你有好处。
7. You’re fighting a losing battle. 不要垂死挣扎了。
8. You don’t have to be so deferential. 你不必这么恭恭敬敬的。
9. I bear him no malice. 我对他没有恶意。
10. She’s taken up with a bunch of artistes. 她最近经常跟一帮艺人来往。