

分类: 英语口语 

Music and stars 歌星与粉丝
dialogue 1
Emlly: Hey,Blake! Are you still listening to Mozart?
h:YeS. Do you like it?
E: It's great. and l' ve heard that Iistcning to Mozart can make you more intelligent.
B: ReaIly? l've never heard that before. I just like it.
E: Is classical music your favorite?
B: Yes. What about you?
E: I Iikc pop musicbcst Classical music is a bit too heavy for mc. I can't get fully relaxed in it.
B: Pop music doesn't have enough deptb for mc.
E: Yeah, that's why I can enjoy myselfin it.
B: Did you always like pop music?
E: I think so, sincc I wa8 in primary school. How long have you bccn intcrcsted in classical
B: I didn't like it at all until I startcd to leam violin when I was eight. From then on. classical music has been an important part of my life.
e oh, I didn't know you can play the violin. Do you still play?
B: Sometimcs, but these days I'm ofter too busy.
dialogue 2
E: Guess who I saw yesterday?
B: I don't know. Who?
E: Avril Lavigen!
B: the Canadian rock singer? But I heard you had a part-time job yesterday. How did you see her?
E: yeah,I worked as temporary staff in her concert. Look, her poster, a CD...
B: so you're a big fan, eh?
E: not really. But I like some of her songs. She's actually very talented. She's a song writer and fashion and fashion designer, too.
B: and she was in a movie once again, right?
E: yes, though I don't think her acting skills are that great.
B: what was your impression of her when you saw her in person?
E: she looked sweeter than her pictures.
B: did you take a photo with her?
E: no, there were too many people. When she got out of the car, her fans were all screaming, trying to give her flowers and ger her autographs.
B: crazy!

