

分类: 英语口语 


part1  Learning American English


 1、Learn English.     

American English is, for the most part, just the same as any other English. Apart from some phrases, colloquialisms, dialects, and spellings, most of the language is the same as the English spoken in Britain, Australia, Canada, and elsewhere around the globe. There are a few significant local differences, which leads some people to say that these groups are "separated by a common language." But in reality, most of the words and phrases are the same. If you know English and understand non-American English speakers, too, for the most part, you will do fine in America.



 2、Listen for accents, dialects, and slang.     

American English is spoken differently in each region of the U.S. Listen closely to pick up local phrases and colloquialisms, especially in social settings. You will begin to notice the difference when you travel from one region to another.


For some articles on regional accents and expressions, check out How to Imitate a Texan Accent, How to Speak With a Bostonian Accent, How to Speak With a Convincing New Jersey Accent, How to Talk Like a New Yorker, How to Fake a Chicago Accent, and How to Talk Like a Southern Gentleman.



 3、Know some American English phrases.     

You'll learn as you go, but here is a short list of American English, just to get you acquainted.


① "Awesome" and "cool" are used to describe something great or positive or popular, more so than in other countries, and both words can be used as a positive reaction to something someone tells you, too.

① “Awesome”和“cool”用来形容一些很好的、积极的或流行的东西,在美国比其他国家的都要用得多,而且这两个词也可以用来作为对别人告诉你某件事的积极反应。

② "What's up?" or "Sup" for short. This phrase is used to ask someone what they're doing, how they are, and as a general greeting. It is not socially acceptable in formal occasions, but it's fine to use casually with friends. It's most often used by young men.

② “What's up?”或简称“Sup”,这个短语用来询问别人正在做什么,他们怎样,以及作为一般的问候。虽然在正式场合下,这样说是不被社会所接受的,但在朋友之间是可以随意使用的。年轻人最常使用它。

③ "Hanging out" is spending time somewhere or with someone. It can be used in describing or arranging one particular event ("Do you want to hang out?") or more generally to describe a habit ("I hang out at the mall a lot"). It's a phrase often used by teenagers to describe how they pass time and socialize, often without one particular activity or aim. It can also be used to describe time spent around the house or doing nothing in particular ("What are you up to?" / "Not much; just hanging out”).

③ “Hanging out”是指在某个地方或与某人在一起打发时间。它可以用来描述或安排特定活动(“你想出去玩吗?”),或者更常用来描述一个习惯(“我经常在购物中心闲逛”)。这是青少年经常使用的一个短语,用来描述他们如何消遣时间和社交,通常没有特定的活动或目的。它也可以用来描述花时间在家附近瞎转悠,或没做什么做特别的事(“你在做什么?”/“没啥,只是闲逛”)。

④ "Y'all" is a contraction of "You all", the second person plural mode of directly addressing a group of people. It is used primarily in the Southern States but is acceptable in other regions.

④ “Y'all”是“You all”的缩写,第二人称,直接称呼一群人的复数形式。它主要用于南部各州,但在其他地区也是接受这种说法的。


 4、Know what English words won't be understood.     

If you've studied British English in the past, realize that not all of the words and phrases will be identical in the US. If you use British English words, phrases, or spellings in these situations, you might not be understood. Learn the American versions instead:


• Restroom/bathroom instead of Toilet/Lavatory

• Elevator instead of Lift

• Trunk instead of Boot

• Freeway instead of motorway

• Sweater instead of jumper

• Pants for trousers, not underwear

• Vest for waistcoat (the underwear version is often just called an undershirt instead)

• Sneakers instead of Trainers

• Diaper instead of nappy

• Bathing suit instead of swimming costume

• Vacation instead of holiday (holidays tend to mean national bank holidays only)

• French fries instead of chips

• Chips instead of crisps

• Gasoline instead of Petrol

• Truck instead of Lorry

• Flashlight instead of Torch

• Color instead of colour

• Favorite instead of Favourite

• Popsicle instead of Ice Lolly

• Tire instead of Tyre

• Napkins should only be used to wipe your face at dinnertime


