

分类: 英语口语 


Social media sensation Grace Neutral is famous for creating her own unique definition of beauty. Using dramatic body modification techniques, the British woman has transformed herself into a ‘pixie dream girl’ with purple eyes, pointy ears, forked tongue, and a heavily tattooed body.

网红Grace Neutral对美丽的定义十分独特,她也因此而成为网红。这个英国女人采用了很多夸张的身体改造技术,把自己改装成为一个紫色眼球、尖耳朵、分叉舌头和大量纹身的“精灵”。

Her fearless experiments with her body have earned her over 300,000 followers on Instagram, a modelling assignment with designer Ashley Williams, and a clothing line that reflects her personal style.

她给自己的身体做了很多大胆的实验,也因此在Instagram上收获了30多万粉丝。她还与设计师Ashley Williams签约,推出了独具个人风格的服装系列。

Grace, 26, is primarily a hand poke tattoo artist. Grace decided to modify her body to reflect inner self at pretty young age – she was only 21 when she had her tongue split. Needless to say, it was painful. “After I had my tongue forked, I had to learn to speak again and for ages I had this little lisp,” she said. But she thinks the struggle was worth it and the split doesn’t bother her at all now.“It’s really cool you can pick stuff up and they play with each other! It’s literally the funnest thing ever.”


Next, Grace had her belly button removed so her stomach would be completely smooth. But then she chose to get her face intentionally scarred. “I also have my ears pointed like a pixie.”



But Grace’s scariest procedure yet is her eye tattoo, in which she dyed the whites of her eyes a light purple color. It’s a dangerous process that under 100 people have had done so far, and Grace admits that she found it ‘terrifying’. She eventually decided to go for it, because she felt like it would be the “final step” in her modification process to make her feel truly comfortable in her own skin.


While she doesn’t have anything against conventional, mainstream beauty. “It’s not that I don’t think someone like Kim Kardashian is beautiful – she is, but there’s nothing in that ideal that reflects me. I appreciate it but I wouldn’t want it.” 


