

分类: 英语口语 

【词汇发音预热】1. Ancestral rituals风俗习惯Ancestral  adj. 祖先的;祖传的Rituals (宗教)仪式2. the Yangtze River 长江3. Wormwood 艾叶 (制作青团的主要材料)4. Glutinous adj. 粘性的,胶质的 (名词glue,表示“胶水”; SYN: sticky)Glutinous rice糯米Glutinous rice cake 糍粑5. The she nationality 畲族,中国南方游耕民族 6. Substitute n 替代品;V代替词根记忆单词:sub(under)+-sti-(stand)+ute(动词后缀)=站在下面随时准备替而代之 Substitute A for B(用A替代B) VS. replace A with B(用B来替换A) 【全文双语朗读】 语言点精讲

Sweet Green Rice Ball


The sweet green rice ball is a Qingming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day) food popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. It is also a must-have offering at ancestral rituals in the south of the Yangtze River.

Like glutinous rice dumpling, Qingtuan is made from glutinous rice and stuffed with red bean paste. The difference is that squeezed wormwood or brome grass is used in the making of wrapper.


It is a must-have offering 表示:“…是必不可少的,一定会有的”来源于文章中的: It is also a must-have offering at ancestral rituals in the south of the Yangtze River. 清明时节,江南一带有吃青团子的风俗习惯。Must-verb 作为形容词表示:“一定要…“的类似组合还有:A) Must-go 表示:“必去”Eg:Opera House is a must-go place in Sydney. 悉尼歌剧院是必到之地B) Must-try表示:“必试“Eg:It is a must-try thing. 这事儿你一定得儿试试 = give it a shot! Or this restaurant’s salmon teriyaki A La Carte is so fantastic; it is definitely a must-try dish.这家餐厅的照烧三文鱼做的非常可口,一定要试试。C) Must-see 表示:“必看“The top 10 must-see films include Zootopia.疯狂动物城纳入了10部必看电影之一。


Qingming Fruit 


Qingming fruit (or Qingming guo). It looks like dumplings in shape, but tastes different from dumplings. The wrapper of Qingming fruit is made from squeezed wormwood, rice and glutinous rice. Finally, it is stuffed with bean filling and cooked by steaming. Aside from sweet fillings, people also use diced bacon, dried bamboo shoot, diced mushroom and dried beancurd as substitutes.





Eating Sanzi (or deep-fried dough twist)on Qingming Festival is a convention throughout China. Sanzi is a kind of fried food. People called it cold food in the old days.



Spiral Shell


The Qingming Festival is the right time for eating spiral shell. Spiral shell is abundant in this season.



Wuren Rice 


Wuren rice is common for She Nationality, who mainly live in East Fujian, including Fuzhou and Ningde. On the Tomb-sweeping Day, every family will cook Wuren Fan and exchange the food with each other as a present. Wuren Rice is made from glutinous rice and leaves of vaccinium bracteatum or Wuren tree.





Spring-pancake or chunbing is a traditional Chinese food unique to the northern regions. Eating spring pancakes is a customary way to celebrate the coming of spring.

Spring pancakes are the low-budget vegetarian's version of Peking duck. The pancake is slightly thicker than those used for duck, and it is seasoned with not only savory brown sauce and spring onions, but also piled with any combination of a plentiful selection of stir-fried and marinated dishes, before being rolled up tight for spill-free eating.





辛弃疾写道:“城中桃李愁风雨,春在溪头荠菜花。” 这是关于荠菜最美的诗,而我们大多数都是从小学习《挖荠菜》长大的,荠菜在很多人心中并不仅仅是普通的野菜那样简单,它代表着童年、故乡、旧时光。


荠菜馄饨:Shepherd's Purse Wonton

荠菜黄鱼羹:Shepherd's Purse and Croaker

荠菜豆腐羹:Shepherd's Purse with beancurd

Bamboo Shoots in Spring



煨春笋:Bamboo Shoots Soup

Date Cake 



(沪江小编:童鞋们注意啦,Date Cake 在这里不是“约会蛋糕”哦!)

十种常见的烹饪方式 (10 Ways of Cooking): 1) 蒸:Steam (To cook vegetables over hot water )Eg:steamed rice 白米饭2) 烧烤:Grill (To cook food over or under strong heat;放在烤架上用烈火烤,SYN: barbecue)Eg:Grilled eel sushi 烤鳗鱼寿司 3) 烤,炙:Roast (To cook meat or vegetables in an oven; 通常用烤炉或者烤箱烤) Eg:Roasted chicken 烤鸡 4) 烘烤:Bake (to cook things such as bread or cakes in a oven; 烘焙面包或者蛋糕) Eg: I baked a cake for Michael’s birthday. 我给迈克做了一个生日蛋糕5) 烤面包: Toast (To cook the outside surfaces of bread; 烤面包的表面)Eg:French Toast 法式烤面包6) 快炒:Stir fry (To fry small pieces of food while moving them around continuously; 快速翻炒)Eg: Stir-fried tofu and bean sprouts 豆腐炒豆芽菜7) 深油炸:Deep fry Eg:Deep-fired seafood cutlet 炸海鲜块8) 沸煮:Boil (To cook something in very hot water)Eg: People on a diet always prefer to eat boiled vegetables instead of rice.节食减肥中的小伙伴通常会用水煮菜来替代米饭9) 小火慢煮:Poach (To slowly cook food, especially fish and eggs, in a small amount of boiling water)Eg: Poach the salmon in white wine and water. 用文火和白酒慢煮三文鱼10) (把…浸泡在卤汁中)腌制:Marinate(to put meat or fish in a marinade before cooking in order to develop a special flavor) Eg: You better firstly marinate the chicken for three hours.你最好先把鸡肉腌3小时。 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,讲解由vivian提供,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。

