

分类: 英语口语 


At a wedding, the betrothed always invites the people they care about the most — even if those people are *technically* cats.


Dominic Husson and Louise Véronneau both love animals. They wanted to celebrate their wedding with the creatures they love the most — felines. So the Canadian couple recently flew to Cat House on the Kings, a no-cage, no-kill California cat sanctuary, where they performed a ceremony in front of a few furry guests. About 1,100 of them, to be specific.

多米尼克•胡森和路易丝•维罗娜都热爱动物。他们想和最喜欢的猫科动物一起庆祝婚礼。这对加拿大夫妇最近飞抵加州的Cat House on the Kings(这是一个宣称“没有笼子、没有杀害”的猫咪收容所),在一群毛绒绒的客人面前举行了婚礼,准确的说是1100只喵星人。

"We are both animal lovers, and it shows she's a great person, and that's why I wanted to marry her," Husson told NBC News.


Cat House on the Kings has been home to 24,000 cats and 7,000 over the past 24 years. Husson and Veronneau are the first couple to get married at the sanctuary.

Cat House on the Kings总共收容过24000只猫,过去的24年中收容了7000只。胡森和维罗娜是在此举行婚礼的第一对新人。

Feline guests are clearly a far superior choice to breathing human ones. No need to buy fancy West Elm tableware when you can simply feed your guests dehydrated fish bones in cups on the floor. You'll never have to worry about drunk uncles or high-maintenance bridesmaids, when you've got a tiny furry pussycat, purring on the mic.



