
女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜

分类: 英语口语 
女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜 

Thousands of people lined the streets of London to take part in the Queen's birthday celebrations - but it was the monarch's great-granddaughter who was the centre of attention. Princess Charlotte made her official debut on the balcony of Buckingham Palace as the Royal Family observed an RAF flypast to mark Her Majesty's 90th birthday.


Before the fly past the Queen attended the Trooping the Colour ceremony at Horse Guards Parade, which is playing host to 1,400 soldiers, 200 horses and more than 400 musicians. The Queen was dressed in bright green and was taken to Horse Guards Parade in a carriage alongside husband Prince Philip.


 夏洛特小公主初登场,女王在一旁绿的耀眼。乔治小王子在其父亲威廉王子的臂弯扭来扭去,威廉王子抱起他好让视野开阔。女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜 威廉王子弯下身子和儿子说话,乔治一定是做了什么好玩的事情,站在后面的哈利王子在后面看着,女王被这一幕逗笑了。女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜 白金汉宫上空的红箭飞行表演女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜 女王过个生日不容易,毕竟不是人人都能过上90岁大寿的。四世同堂举国上下一片欢呼,在这个普天同庆、锣鼓喧天、鞭炮齐鸣的日子里,女王的着装好像在网络上掀起的热潮,比生日本身更令人亢奋==因为……恩……怎么说呢,因为女王实在太……绿……了……女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜 群众表示绿的和特效背景一毛一样,于是一场PS大战开始了:如何一键给女王换装?女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜 正确的打(游)开(戏)方式是这样的——女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜 女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜 女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜 女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜 你以为P成这样女王就是全场最耀眼的星了吗?错!这个人比女王更加吸引了全场的目光:女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜 

A guardsman has collapsed during the Trooping the Colour ceremony in London today as the Queen's official 90th birthday celebrations continue. The man fell to the floor early on during the festivities at Horse Guards Parade and was stretchered away.


女王90大寿阅兵绿的耀眼 但有人比她更抢镜

The reason is usually a combination of the temperature - today a balmy 22C - and the heavy uniform and bearskin hats the soldiers have to wear.



