
就凭鲍里斯评价女人这7句话 他有啥脸当首相

分类: 英语口语 

就凭鲍里斯评价女人这7句话 他有啥脸当首相


Oh Boris, he’s a clown, he’s a joker, he’s a laugh, what a harmless, funny, silly buffoon.


1. On why women go to university


'They’ve got to find men to marry'.


2. On how female graduates are, supposedly, responsible for rising house prices


'The colossal expansion in the numbers of female graduates is in many ways a marvellous thing; but it has boosted the well-documented process of assortative mating, by which middle-class graduates marry middle-class graduates and thereby entrench their economic advantages, pooling their graduate incomes to push up house prices and increase the barriers to entry for the rest.'


3.On how female graduates who supposedly caused said rising house prices are responsible for other families finding it hard to get housing, and that women should work less and go back to the home because they are responsible for young people’s antisocial behaviour


'The result is that in families on lower incomes the women have absolutely no choice but to work, often with adverse consequences for family life and society as a whole – in that unloved and undisciplined children are more likely to become hoodies, NEETS, and mug you on the street corner.'


4.On whether women should work


'Of course I am in favour of women working, and the world would be far nicer if women ran it, but I sometimes wonder if they – we – really want to work quite so hard.'


就凭鲍里斯评价女人这7句话 他有啥脸当首相

5.On how women in the workplace cry when criticised


'Men and women express emotion differently…it should not be an offence to say that.'


6.On why people move to the city


'We seek cities because there are a greater range of girls at the bar, of reproductive choice.


'But above all, talented people seek cities for fame. They can’t get famous in the f***ing village.'


7.On whether or not he was disrespectful and patronising towards female assembly members


'I have not been more robust towards female rather than male assembly members and I do not believe I have been remotely sexist.'



