Almost 800 Corgis attended a meetup called Nor Cal Corgi Con in San Francisco, California, over the weekend
上周在加利福尼亚的旧金山,将近800只柯基共同参加了一场名为Nor Cal Corgi Con的聚会。
The Saturday event at Ocean Beach included '792 CORGEEZ and counting!!', the Nor Cal Corgi Con Facebook page said on Sunday
Nor Cal Corgi Con官方脸书说,周六在海洋沙滩聚会包括792只基仔,计数持续更新中。
A Corgi in a hot dog costume participated in the costume contest on Saturday.
The big day involved dog racing on the sand (pictured), a group photo, and a costume contest
Founder Cynthia Lee revealed that a dog dressed as comic book character Deadpool (in red) won the costume contest
比赛的发起人Cynthia Lee透露说,一只扮着漫画书籍《死侍》里角色的红色服饰的狗狗赢得了着装比赛。
Lee has said: 'We started out in 2013 as a very small gathering, and then last October we had 650 Corgis, and people actually flew in from all over the country'