
英国第三大富豪去世 留给25岁儿子90亿镑……

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英国第三大富豪去世 留给25岁儿子90亿镑……

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge joined members of the Royal Family in paying tribute to the Duke of Westminster, who died suddenly on Tuesday.


Billionaire duke, Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor – the third richest man in Britain who was worth an estimated £9 billion- is believed to have died of a heart attack at the age of just 64 on Tuesday afternoon.


The father-of-four, the 6th Duke, was the richest property developer in the UK, whose vast wealth comes from estates in Oxford, Cheshire, and Scotland as well as huge swathes of Mayfair and Belgravia.


His tragic death means that his son Hugh will now inherit the entire estate, including the family seat in Cheshire, Eaton Hall, at the age of just 25.


Friends described him as an 'introspective' man, one who was lonely in many ways, and, it has been reported, came close to a nervous breakdown in 1998, when he said the pressures of business and the great number of public appearances he was making overcame him.


Gerald Grosvenor was passionate about helping those less fortunate than him, working for many years with young offenders and drug abusers as well as campaigning on rural issues. During the 2001 foot-and-mouth outbreak he donated £500,000 to farmers affected by the crisis.


In his early 20s, on becoming trustee of the estate, he had been forced to abandon his dream of a career in the Armed Forces, but later satisfied his love of all things military by serving in the Territorial Army.


During the second half of the 20th century, his business expanded into the Americas and developed Annacis Island and Vancouver in Canada in the 1950s.


