
书单推荐:斯大林最爱的6本书 你都看过吗

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书单推荐:斯大林最爱的6本书 你都看过吗


“The Ladies' Paradise” by Émile Zola


Émile Zola was among the authors admired by Joseph Stalin. The mixture of the innocent country girl thrust into city life and struggle are reminiscent of Fantine in Les Misérables, while the exploration of business and politics also strike a similar note. The lion-like image of the department store ruling over human lives is symbolic of the highs and lows of consumerist culture today.


“The Brothers Karamasov” by Dostoevsky

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Stalin mentioned Dostoyevsky as an example of a deep psychologist. It is known that since his youth Stalin was reading Dostoevsky with great interest. While reading "The Brothers Karamazov", Stalin has made a lot highlights and notes in the margins.This is of the best allegorical novels to explain the fractured nature of 19th century Russia. Each character is representative of one of the ruling classes. Throughout are themes of love, law, and duty.


“The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind” by Gustave Le Bon


Either meant for everyday reading or as an introduction to sociology, this book indicates why Wal-Mart crowds act both mindfully and mindlessly on Black Friday. The equality and unity of a crowd can be a powerful tool, or a double-edged sword. The secret lies in the capture of the imagination, for a crowd’s momentum can be enhanced or governed by images.


”The Knight in the Panther Skin” by Shota Rustavel


Stalin knew all the old translations of this book, and when the new edition of the book was being published in 1940-1941, he even made several amendments to the translation from Georgian.


The Bible


Stalin has been quoting long passages from the Bible.


Stories of Anton Chekhov


Stalin has been quoting passages from Chekhov many times. Almost every story has a redemptive note of hope mixed in with levels of bleak despair.


"The Prince" by Niccolo Machiavelli


This is said to be one of the most favorite books of Stalin, from which he took advice on governing the state. Machiavelli's posthumous work can be bundled on a reading list with the Art of War for true insight on how to build power and decimate enemies. Though the advice was meant for the Medici ruling family in Italy, the principles can still hold true, or at least shed a light on how to weave through the murky waters of politics.


