
英国政府败诉 梅姨的脱欧大计要流产?!

分类: 英语口语 

英国政府败诉 梅姨的脱欧大计要流产?!

Gloating Europhiles hailed Theresa May's humiliation after judges ruled she cannot trigger Brexit without approval from parliament.


The U.K. High Court ruled that lawmakers should vote on whether the government can begin the formal Brexit process by triggering Article 50 of the EU treaty.


英国政府败诉 梅姨的脱欧大计要流产?!

The case was brought by British citizens Gina Miller, a business woman, pictured outside the High Court after the landmark ruling.


The ruling is a defeat for the government. Prime Minister Theresa May wanted to trigger Article 50 by the end of March 2017, meaning the U.K. would most likely leave the EU two years later.


It sparked furious accusations that a High Court case that could delay Brexit is an “attempt to frustrate the will of the British people.”


The government said it was disappointed by the judgment and would appeal.


"I worry that a betrayal may be near at hand," Farage said after the High Court ruling was announced on Thursday morning.


英国政府败诉 梅姨的脱欧大计要流产?!

Parliament is unlikely to block Brexit outright. But the ruling could mean Brexit is delayed, particularly by opposition in the upper chamber -- the House of Lords.


The main opposition Labour Party has already said it won't try to block Brexit and instead will use the ruling to push for a Brexit "that works for Britain, putting jobs, living standards and the economy first."


The government will appeal the judgment. The Supreme Court is likely to hear the case in early December and issue a ruling by early January.


