
中国科学家琥珀中发现恐龙标本 这事有多牛X?

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中国科学家琥珀中发现恐龙标本 这事有多牛X?

Dinosaurs had feathered, chestnut brown tails with a pale underside, a newly found specimen reveals.


The tip of the tail was found in an ancient blob of amber tree resin.


The amber was discovered by Dr Lida Xing from the China University of Geosciences at an amber market in Myanmar in 2015.


It was initially thought to be plant remains and was destined to become a piece of jewellery until Xing rescued it.


中国科学家琥珀中发现恐龙标本 这事有多牛X?

The tail belonged to a small, flightless dinosaur that lived in the mid-Cretaceous period around 99 million years ago.


And the rare find sheds light on the evolution of feathers from dinosaurs to modern birds, which cannot be gleaned from normal fossil remains.


The incredible discovery reveals the feathered tail of a non-avian theropod that perished approximately 99 million years ago.


Dr Ryan McKellar, Curator of Invertebrate Palaeontology at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Canada, said: 'The new material preserves a tail consisting of eight vertebrae from a juvenile. These are surrounded by feathers.’


'We can be sure of the source because the vertebrae are not fused into a rod or pygostyle as in modern birds and their closest relatives.’


'Instead, the tail is long and flexible, with keels of feathers running down each side.'


中国科学家琥珀中发现恐龙标本 这事有多牛X?

Dr McKellar added that the feathers are definitely those of a dinosaur and not a prehistoric bird.


'Amber pieces preserve tiny snapshots of ancient ecosystems, but they record microscopic details, three-dimensional arrangements, and tissues that are difficult to study in other settings,' Dr McKellar said.


'This is a new source of information that is worth researching with intensity and protecting as a fossil resource.'


He hopes future finds from the region 'will reshape our understanding of plumage and soft tissues in dinosaurs and other vertebrates.'


