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ER Doctors Rereal the Craziest Things They've Seen at Work


Think you've had a stressful day at your job? Try helping a screaming patient with a foreign object stuck up his rectum, terrified that it will never be retrieved.


This is just a taste (gross) of what it's like being an emergency room doctor, the medical professionals whose job it is to stay calm and keep a straight face, even in the most dangerous or bizarre circumstances.


To give you a better idea of just how bizarre those circumstances can be, ER doctors revealed the wildest situations they've encountered on the job. Spoiler alert: People love putting stuff up their own butts.


1. Well, that's one use for a candle...


"As an ER doctor, we see a lot all the time. There's not a single shift I work where I am not asking myself, 'How in the world did they do that?' This day was no different when a male patient walked in with his wife and said, 'It's stuck! It's stuck!' The nurse and I asked him, 'What's stuck, sir?' He replied, 'I put a candle in my butthole and can't get it out!' All sorts of things were running through our minds, and we were hoping the candle was a votive kind, not the ones still with glass containers.

“作为一个急诊科医生,每天活久见的事情太多了。工作时我没有一次轮班的时候不问自己,‘他们到底是怎么做到的?于是,当一个男病人在他妻子额陪同下走进来,还不停说“卡住了!卡住了!”的时候,我也会这么问自己。当时护士和我问他,“先生,什么卡住了?”他回答道,“我在屁眼里插了一根蜡烛,现在拿不出来了!” 听完这个回答,我们的大脑顿时混乱了,我们只希望那根蜡烛是根普通蜡烛,而不是那种还带着玻璃烛台的。”

"But we knew the first thing we had to do was take a look at his bottom and get an X-ray, because most X-rays will reveal foreign bodies. There was nothing I could see by just examining his buttocks. But sure enough, the X-ray showed that it was a round candle that was still in the glass container! It was one of those standard 3-4in round candles in containers that most convenience stores sell. The patient had stuck it far up and had no way to retrieve it! He felt stupid. He felt embarrassed. Ultimately, he had to go to surgery immediately so the surgeon could carefully dilate his rectum and get the candle out.


"It was painful for the patient. I had to ask him before discharge, 'Did you light the candle before sticking it up your butt or no?' He just laughed to try and console himself through the pain. Moral of the story: Don't put anything into your body out of your reach that you can't retrieve back easily." -- Anonymous board-certified ER physician


2. Fishing for flesh


"Thankfully, a patient had a sense of humor when things go wrong while fishing. His fish hook didn't grab any fish in Lake Michigan this day, but instead decided to grab a big piece of his scalp! He came into the ER with a big fish hook lodged in the right side of his head. As an ER doctor, the first thing I think of is how the scalp can bleed very easily and profusely and thankfully, the hook was controlling the bleeding where it was stuck.


"But once I removed it, I needed to prepare for the amount of blood that would be released. The difficulty with fish hooks is their rigged shape. They have a circular curve with a barb and gap, which causes them to do real damage on what should be fish (not humans). Fishers rip them off after they capture fish, but there was no way I could just rip it off his scalp.


"Coaching the patient through the process so he could relax, I numbed the area and had to create a bit of a wide incision around the entry of the fish hook, and rotate and wiggle it out. Because I used a little epinephrine, I was able to minimize the amount of bleeding after removal. I then repaired the wound with sutures. When there is a foreign body stuck anywhere on your body, it's important to leave it stuck until you seek medical attention. Removing it without assistance could cause further damage." -- Anonymous board-certified ER physician

“我在手术过程中指导病人放松放松,并且麻醉了受伤的区域,然后鱼钩的嵌入口周围切开一个宽宽的切口,通过旋转和摆动把它取了出来。因为我使用了一点肾上腺素,所以才能够在取出鱼钩后,最大限度地减少出血量,然后用缝线修复伤口。当有任何异物卡在身上时,记住一定要在寻求医疗帮助前保持它的原状态。在没有医生的帮助下随意拿下它会导致严重的后果。” --- 来自一位委员会认证的匿名急诊科医生的叙述

3. Never trust a plastic surgeon from a hardware store


"In 2009, there was a patient presented to the emergency room in Rhode Island. She had had some form of 'HydroGel' (she called it that) injected in large volume, approximately 2 liters (which is a very large quantity), one into each buttock. I believe by 'HydroGel,' she meant some sort of silicone-based product like silicone bathroom caulk. The patient said that she was injected by someone in Miami who claimed to be a nurse, and who performed the procedure in their home.

“2009年,有一个病人被送到罗得岛的急诊室,她往她的臀部注射了大量的 “水凝胶”(她是这么称呼它的),而且将近有2升(这是一个非常大的量)。我相信“水凝胶”在她想表达的意思中是某种硅酮基产品,如硅胶浴室填缝剂。该病人说,一个在迈阿密声称自己是一名护士的人给她注射的,并在他们的家里完成了这一注射过程。”

"When she came to the ER, she had a high fever and was draining pus on both buttocks, which were red. We took her to the operating room, and because the external substance was so integrated into the tissue within and around the fat cells, we had to make multiple large incisions on both buttocks' fat. Afterwards, her buttocks looked like she had been attacked by a bear. The only way to get rid of the infection was to fully remove the external substance.


"She was on IV antibiotics for nearly a week with daily dressing changes in the hospital before leaving against medical advice and disappearing. She ultimately went on Tyra Banks' talk show."


4. The not-so-great escape


"A daring young man who was high on meth decided to plan his great escape from the ER. He was able to climb into the drop ceiling, and was making his way out of the room... until he fell through the ceiling. He landed on the floor at the foot of the stretcher and ended up breaking his arm."


5. That's not how plungers work


"A young man was experiencing constipation and decided he needed a plunger. He grabbed for the toilet bowl brush and used the handle to insert into his rectum. The plastic hand had a curved hook on it, which got snagged on his anus. He was unable to remove it without horrific pain. EMS was called, and he was transported to the ER. With the help of his new wife comforting him on one side of the stretcher and moderate sedation, the doctor worked from the other end to dis-impact the toilet brush from his rectum."


6. One vodka rectum, please


"I had a patient once who had a 1-liter bottle of vodka inserted into his rectum while he was under the influence. We had to put him on laxatives and use a type of enema to try to lubricate the area and avoid pain. He was in so much pain when he arrived, he was unable to walk. We thought surgery might be required, but he was able to pass the bottle through on his own." -- Aditi G Jha, MD, head of the doctor's panel at JustDoc



