

分类: 英语口语 


It's long been reported that the population in Japan is steadily aging, and with that the nation's buying trends are shifting as well. This is something the Coca-Cola Company has been watching closely as well.


After all, they didn't become one of the largest brands in the world by sitting around and doing nothing.


Contrary to previous diet colas that are simply less-harmful with lower amounts of sugar and calories, Coca Cola Plus is being touted as the first Coke that may actually improve your health.

与之前健怡可乐低危害概念不同,这次的Coca Cola Plus不再是简单的低糖低卡路里,而是打着首个能够促进健康的可乐的旗号进行推广。

In addition to having no calories and sugar, each bottle contains five grams of indigestible dextrin and other dietary fibers.

除了不含卡路里和糖以外,每瓶Coca Cola Plus还含有5克水溶性的麦芽糊精和其他种类的膳食纤维。

Coca-Cola says that drinking one bottle each day along with meals will both reduce the absorption of fat from the food and moderate the levels of triglycerides in the blood following the meal.


This is a bit of a departure from other fat-blocking colas in that Coca-Cola Plus actually has a recommended usage.

Coca-Cola Plus与其他抑制脂肪摄取的可乐有些许不同,它有建议用量。

For the cola to have its intended effect, you should only drink it while eating a meal and limit yourself to one bottle per day – presumably divided into three 150-milliliter servings.





