

分类: 英语口语 


Prince Philip's final official engagement was hailed as "historic" by a Royal Marine - 64 years after the Duke of Edinburgh began his service to the British public.

自菲利普亲王受封爱丁堡公爵以来,为英国民众服务了64年,皇家海军陆战队(Royal Marine)高呼其最后一项公务“具有历史意义”。

The Duke attended the The Captain General's Parade at Buckingham Palace before retiring from royal duties. He was praised for his role as Captain General of the Royal Marines by a senior officer who described the 96-year-old as a "wonderful figurehead for all Royal Marines to look up to".

退休前,菲利普亲王代表皇室参加了在白金汉宫举行的总司令游行(The Captain General's Parade)。有位高级军官称赞菲利普亲王如同皇家海军陆战队总司令一般的存在,他说96岁的菲利普是“所有海军陆战队士兵敬仰的杰出首领”。

And as Prince Philip completed his final engagement, the watching crowd burst into applause while a band played the tune of 'For He's A Jolly Good Fellow'.

菲利普亲王完成最后一项公务时,围观群众爆发出热烈掌声,乐队奏起电影《特种部队:眼镜蛇的崛起》(For He's A Jolly Good Fellow)背景乐。

As consort to the Queen, the Duke has supported his wife in her new duties as sovereign, accompanying her to ceremonies such as the State Opening of Parliament in various countries, state dinners, and tours abroad.

作为英国女王的伴侣,菲利普亲王支持妻子在皇室的一切职责,与她共同出席多国举办的庆典比如国会开议大典(tate Opening of Parliament)、各种国宴和境外游。

He is also the patron of 785 organisations, particularly focused on the environment, industry, sport an education. "I tried to find useful things to do," he said about starting a footman training programme at the Palace. The Duke takes a great interest in scientific and technological research and development, as well as the conservation of nature.

]菲利普还是横跨环境、工业、体育、教育等领域785个组织的资助人。他在白金汉宫创立了足球运动员训练项目,他说:“我想做一些有意义的事情。” 他对科学技术研发领域兴趣浓厚,环境保护也是其颇为关注的领域。

He has been depicted as a tough but caring father, as well as an accomplished sportsman. A qualified pilot, the Duke gained his RAF wings in 1953, helicopter wings in 1956 and private pilot's licence in 1959. His love of the sea never waned, and he competed regularly at Cowes Regatta.

他被称作一位严格而慈爱的父亲和成就斐然的马球运动员,还是一名合格的飞行员,1953年入选英国皇家空军侧翼队员,1956年获得驾驶直升机资格,1959年可驾驶私人飞机。菲利普对海洋的热爱从未消退,每年都参加考斯快艇赛(Cowes Regatta)。

The Duke also helped the Queen through the deaths of both her mother and sister in the Golden Jubilee year of 2002. Philip's first ever private secretary Michael Parker, a friend from the Navy, once revealed: "He told me the first day he offered me my job that his job, first, second and last was never to let her down."

2002年时值伊丽莎白二世母亲和姐姐离世五十周年,菲利普帮助女王度过了这段时期。他的首任私人秘书,也是在海军陆战队的朋友迈克尔·帕克(Michael Parker)曾说:“我第一天上任时,菲利普就告诉我,他此生唯一的任务就是决不让伊丽莎白二世难过。”

Princes Charles, William and Harry are now expected to increase their workload, but Philip will still attend occasional official duties with the Queen.




