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The Duke of Cambridge isn't the only one to publicly support his brother's relationship with Megan Markle. Following the couple's appearance at the Invictus Games opening ceremony Saturday, the Queen's representative in Canada has described the royal romance as "marvelous."

威廉王子不是唯一一个公开支持弟弟与梅根•马克尔恋情的人。周日,在加拿大Invictus Games“不可征服"运动会的开幕式上,女王的代表就“称赞”了这段皇室罗曼史。

David Johnston, Canada's Governor General, was seated near the prince at the event in Toronto, where Markle films the legal drama Suits. Although the actress did join Harry at the ceremony, "We were seated beside one another with the PM and his wife and the First Lady of the U.S.," Johnston told ITV News. "My wife and myself and he (Harry) was alone but you say, I gather, there was a young lady in the audience who was watching him with great interest."

大卫•约翰斯顿,加拿大总督,在多伦多参加活动时就坐在王子旁边。而梅根当时也在多伦多拍摄政律剧《金装律师》 (Suits)。虽然演员也参加了开幕式,但“我们做在首相和首相夫人还有美国第一夫人的旁边。”约翰斯顿在ITV News新闻采访中说道。“我们三个就这么不说话,但是我猜想,观众席中的一位年轻女士饶有兴趣的看着哈里王子。”

Markle's appearance at the Invictus Games marks her first step into the royal spotlight and it's likely to spark further rumors around an engagement announcement. When asked what the relationship might mean for Canada and the U.K. in the future, Johnston said he hopes it will help to strengthen ties between the two nations.

马克尔在Invictus Games的突然现身意味着进入皇室第一步,也进一步坐实订婚的传言。当被问及加拿大和英国将来的关系时,约翰斯顿表示希望能够加强两国的关系。

"Well I think it would be quite marvelous, and I hope it would be quite marvelous for him and obviously it will help to bring us together," he said. "But, you know, that reflects so many of the people-to-people ties that are so strong."


There had been speculation that Markle might make her first official appearance alongside her boyfriend at the Games. However, multiple reports suggest there were concerns that it might overshadow the achievements of the injured armed services personnel and veterans taking part in the competition.



